Autism household in full flow.

Hello everyone,

My name is Jenn, I was dx'ed a couple of years ago with ADHD and AS. I have two boys (10 & 6) both with ASD and one also has a DX of Tourette's Syndrome. I am also married to another late diagnosed Aspie, who also has Tourette's Syndrome, ADHD and other issues and a long list of co-morbids. 

We have been Indepentantly Educating our boys from home for almost the last year and I also run a business from home. 

I am here to try and see if I can help, where possible, learn from others and hopefully help give some positives to ASD.

I know ASD is not easy, but for me, I see more postives than negetigve. It certainly makes for an interesting ride:)

Well looking forwarding to reading all about everyone else and please feel free to contact me should you wish to.

All the best,


  • Telstar,

    Well thank you for taking the time to read my reply. 

    I know I have been very lucky in meeting my husband. We have been married for almost 19 years and we met in a very "aspie" kind of way. I was quite young when we met, but if I am honest, apart from a 2-3 "friends" that I know truly love me and who I adore, but only see once in a while, he is my only real true friend. He is my best friend. Do we get on all the time? Mostly, as we understand each other extremely well, even before our diagnoses. Do we argue? Occasionally and it is usually in part because of "how I say" something, rather than "what I" say. That is our biggest issue. Then you have the fact that because of my very black and white, yes or no, thinking, and his, we can find it hard to really take in each other’s points of view in a disagreement. However, luckily for us, we don't like atmospheres, we never disrespect each other, we never call each other names or put each other down, we do not get physical and usually within a short time span, we either work things out or agree to just disagree and move on. This along with full honesty, lack of manipulation and building a strong foundation has helped us stay strong over the years. I could never imagine being with anyone else. And if something ever happened I knew would be with anyone else, as I would be also quite happy on my own. I like my own space and to do my own things, but I also like to have a partner that does his own thing as well as wanting to share with me. We are opposites. I am a go-do, person and he is a chilled out layer back guy. I am the motivation and the organiser and he is the performer. So we fit.  But I think had I not found him and him me, I think we both would have been on our own. And again, we would have both been quite happy with that, too.

    I am sorry that the time scale so long. I think it is different in each area. If you read by blog, you would see that mine was 6 weeks from GP to Psych, and I got my dx paperwork about 4 weeks after my assessment. So, I do know I am lucky. The area where we live is losing funding, hand over fist, and the "professionals" involved are getting fewer and fewer, that the lists are now starting to get longer. This is with both adults and children. My children are meant to have 6 monthly appointments, but they are only seen once a year because that is the nearest "6 monthly" appointment they can get. But again, since they are home educated, they have very little outside support. And if I am honest, there is little that they need as we provide their support and teach them in a way that suits their individual learning styles and at paces that suit them.

    Anyway, I truly wish you all the best too, I hope you get the results you are looking for.


  • Telstar,

    Well thank you for taking the time to read my reply. 

    I know I have been very lucky in meeting my husband. We have been married for almost 19 years and we met in a very "aspie" kind of way. I was quite young when we met, but if I am honest, apart from a 2-3 "friends" that I know truly love me and who I adore, but only see once in a while, he is my only real true friend. He is my best friend. Do we get on all the time? Mostly, as we understand each other extremely well, even before our diagnoses. Do we argue? Occasionally and it is usually in part because of "how I say" something, rather than "what I" say. That is our biggest issue. Then you have the fact that because of my very black and white, yes or no, thinking, and his, we can find it hard to really take in each other’s points of view in a disagreement. However, luckily for us, we don't like atmospheres, we never disrespect each other, we never call each other names or put each other down, we do not get physical and usually within a short time span, we either work things out or agree to just disagree and move on. This along with full honesty, lack of manipulation and building a strong foundation has helped us stay strong over the years. I could never imagine being with anyone else. And if something ever happened I knew would be with anyone else, as I would be also quite happy on my own. I like my own space and to do my own things, but I also like to have a partner that does his own thing as well as wanting to share with me. We are opposites. I am a go-do, person and he is a chilled out layer back guy. I am the motivation and the organiser and he is the performer. So we fit.  But I think had I not found him and him me, I think we both would have been on our own. And again, we would have both been quite happy with that, too.

    I am sorry that the time scale so long. I think it is different in each area. If you read by blog, you would see that mine was 6 weeks from GP to Psych, and I got my dx paperwork about 4 weeks after my assessment. So, I do know I am lucky. The area where we live is losing funding, hand over fist, and the "professionals" involved are getting fewer and fewer, that the lists are now starting to get longer. This is with both adults and children. My children are meant to have 6 monthly appointments, but they are only seen once a year because that is the nearest "6 monthly" appointment they can get. But again, since they are home educated, they have very little outside support. And if I am honest, there is little that they need as we provide their support and teach them in a way that suits their individual learning styles and at paces that suit them.

    Anyway, I truly wish you all the best too, I hope you get the results you are looking for.


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