Autism household in full flow.

Hello everyone,

My name is Jenn, I was dx'ed a couple of years ago with ADHD and AS. I have two boys (10 & 6) both with ASD and one also has a DX of Tourette's Syndrome. I am also married to another late diagnosed Aspie, who also has Tourette's Syndrome, ADHD and other issues and a long list of co-morbids. 

We have been Indepentantly Educating our boys from home for almost the last year and I also run a business from home. 

I am here to try and see if I can help, where possible, learn from others and hopefully help give some positives to ASD.

I know ASD is not easy, but for me, I see more postives than negetigve. It certainly makes for an interesting ride:)

Well looking forwarding to reading all about everyone else and please feel free to contact me should you wish to.

All the best,


  • Hi Jenn B,

    It's very affirming to read how you look at the positive aspects of being an Aspie, not only for yourself, but also for your family.  It's great that your boys will have a choice in their future employment, so they can choose the one they feel suits them the most.

    I totally understand about lack of attachments too - I have never been involved in a relationship at any time in my life, and though I used to wonder why, I've now got a completely different view on it, appreciating the other things I've done instead of a relationship.  If it should ever happen, great - and if it doesn't...also great.

    After my Initial Assessment, they wrote to me and said that the waiting list for a Full Assessment in this area is between 18 months to 2 years, so it's going to be a long wait, but hopefully being on this forum and getting support from it will help.

    All the best to you and your family, and it's good that your boys will have a positive outlook to help them along. 

  • Hi Jenn B,

    It's very affirming to read how you look at the positive aspects of being an Aspie, not only for yourself, but also for your family.  It's great that your boys will have a choice in their future employment, so they can choose the one they feel suits them the most.

    I totally understand about lack of attachments too - I have never been involved in a relationship at any time in my life, and though I used to wonder why, I've now got a completely different view on it, appreciating the other things I've done instead of a relationship.  If it should ever happen, great - and if it doesn't...also great.

    After my Initial Assessment, they wrote to me and said that the waiting list for a Full Assessment in this area is between 18 months to 2 years, so it's going to be a long wait, but hopefully being on this forum and getting support from it will help.

    All the best to you and your family, and it's good that your boys will have a positive outlook to help them along. 

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