Hi, Looking for help and info.

Hi, i just registered here after i was advised by my mother to do so.

Let me try and start from the beginning...

I am 32 years old and feel i have had unknown issues since very young but never had the help or info to do anything about it, its currently getting to the point where it seems age is making it worse and i need to actually find help.

Starting from being born almost i have been some what different, i guess you could call it higher functioning, reading, speaking, walking, puzzles at very young age (walking at 6 month, reading shortly after). Just not being like everyone else. I always just understood everything without much need of teaching (autodidact (example, it takes me a day or 2 to learn things like computer coding or 3D modeling, i seem to be able to understand code and such better than english)). None of these thing exactly being that bad, but my head now feels so full of information (which i cannot stop taking in, i just need to know/learn everything) it's feeling very crowded.

If i dont do hard logic puzzles or some hard problems, or design something during my day i get very frustrated and don't know how to cope or outlet the brain steam. Also i find myself having to find information daily such as having to look up movie trivia on anything i watch, if i hear something i dont know i need to immediately find out everything about what it is or i end up feeling ill about it. The only reason i own a mobile phone is as an information finding device i can use anywhere at any time.

Also from a young age i have never understood social situations, cannot understand other peoples emotions (for instance, my wife's grandad died and i litterally had no idea why she was crying about it), i appear to come across tactless to other people even though i very much don't mean to be, i cant use eye contact much if any, cannot use a telephone, hardly ever leave my house as i cant cope with the idea of the outside world. I get very anxious when im outside and sometimes have panic attacks and have to go immediately home. I don't like people to notice me, even people i know (as a child i would cross the street so a school friend wouldnt see me and want to talk, as i wouldnt know what to say).

Speaking of which, i have a problem knowing how to communicate/conversate with people in person, its like my brain switches off and no conversation will come to me at all and i just stand there not knowing what the heck to do.

Also after these type encounters i will go over them in my head again for days at a time, replaying the event over and over thinking how i couldve done different, or what i could/should have actually said.

I feel no one really understands me, and that i dont really belong in this world (not in a i want to die way, just in a belonging sense).

I didnt go to school much at all becuase as a child i suffered sever crohns disease which kept me away for years at a time (which probably didnt help my social issies) so i have never really been seen by anyone about these issues. Another issue is i find it really difficult to leave my house to go to the doctors, so to solve my problem i have to do something that is the problem in the first place, seems like im just stuck.

I don't know what to do and am feeling very frustrated with myself, like my brain is on overload.

All of this i feel is getting worse the older i get.

I have taken several tests online (including an official one) and i scored sky high for Asbergers, but obviously its not infalable.

Im sorry if all of this is just nonsense and nothing to do with anything, but i just wrote anything and everything that came to mind.

Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated


  • Hi guys,

    Sorry it took so long to reply, but i had to go to the dentists yesterday (for the first time ever in my life) which kinda consumed my brain until i finally got it over and done with, good thing was though my teeth were 100% perfect so no follow up appointments for a whole year, phew.

    Anyway, i finally decided to bite the bullet and my wife made me a doctors appointment today to go tell them about my possible aspergers, so as of friday the 4th i will be offically on the path to diagnosis (or at least i hope i will).

    So you reckon i should prepare a list of all my issues to take in for my GP to read? How about things like online test scores, any specific tests i should do and maybe print off the results for??

    I'm already fretting like mad and its like 10 days away, i hate how my mind does this to me, the dentist was bad enough.

    Any other advice that might help me next friday?

    One of my worries about going to the GP is I really hate the feeling of being on the spot and attention being on me, i feel like i'm being judged, or like they'll think i'm making it up and stare or laugh, i know none of this will probably happen but i cant get away from my mind making up these scenarios, did/does anyone else feel like this? I worry they will just think i'm just some idiot loser that's just whining about stuff and should just get out more. My brain just seems to make up scenarios for anything i don't know and i hate it, i just want next friday to be here and over already.

    I will update and let everyone know what happens once i've been for others to read if theyre in the same situation.

    10 days and counting...


  • Hi guys,

    Sorry it took so long to reply, but i had to go to the dentists yesterday (for the first time ever in my life) which kinda consumed my brain until i finally got it over and done with, good thing was though my teeth were 100% perfect so no follow up appointments for a whole year, phew.

    Anyway, i finally decided to bite the bullet and my wife made me a doctors appointment today to go tell them about my possible aspergers, so as of friday the 4th i will be offically on the path to diagnosis (or at least i hope i will).

    So you reckon i should prepare a list of all my issues to take in for my GP to read? How about things like online test scores, any specific tests i should do and maybe print off the results for??

    I'm already fretting like mad and its like 10 days away, i hate how my mind does this to me, the dentist was bad enough.

    Any other advice that might help me next friday?

    One of my worries about going to the GP is I really hate the feeling of being on the spot and attention being on me, i feel like i'm being judged, or like they'll think i'm making it up and stare or laugh, i know none of this will probably happen but i cant get away from my mind making up these scenarios, did/does anyone else feel like this? I worry they will just think i'm just some idiot loser that's just whining about stuff and should just get out more. My brain just seems to make up scenarios for anything i don't know and i hate it, i just want next friday to be here and over already.

    I will update and let everyone know what happens once i've been for others to read if theyre in the same situation.

    10 days and counting...


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