Hi very confused

Hi I am new to this forum and would like some info from anyone who can help, my son is now 13 years old we have known he's been different from about 2, for the past 7 years we have had referrals and tests galore to find out what his problems are but have always come back as nothing because he was behaving well in school, at home and out and about he was a very different person, he was violent,abusive,threw tantrums,he doesn't like change and hates me tidying his room,he has dyslexia and is a type 1 diabetic, the past year he has hated going to school because he says he doesn't understand any of the lessons and has started to be verbally abusive to the teachers and has also lashed out at them , he has had so much time of as getting him to go is a battle as he gets himself so upset he starts banging his head against the wall, his secondary school has now said there is a problem and bothe them and I have had to fill in more questionnaires waiting is a nightmare we have waited 7 years already and don't know how much more I can take I just want him to have the help he deserves .

  • Hi again,

    Perhaps he is at the wrong school or the wrong type of school? Some children on the spectrum can cope well with mainstream school and some can't. Also, some mainstream schools do not create the right environment for ASD children.  

  • well the good news is they have finally admitted my son has issues so is on the waiting list for assessments the only problem is we have been told it could be up to a 2 year waiting list (what a joke he will have finished school by then).

    This morning he had a major melt down again as he was worrying about his History lesson as he has a new teacher , he punched and kicked me and threw a chair at me which has bruised me significantly ,these meltdowns are getting worse and more frequent and I don't know what to do , we are waiting to go on a couple of courses and early help have been involved but again it's just waiting I am worried that he is seriously going to hurt someone x

  • Hi and welcome to the community.

    It is sadly common for people to not get diagnosed for a long time and this can make behaviour worse. As Giraffe says, though, things can be changed if his environment can be educated and changed to work with him rather than against him. Kids with ASD can often do well in mainstream school if they understand his condition and how to get the most out of him. Some schools (and even some parents) never get through to make it work though. Some kids will do better in special schools - I just raise this as a possibility rather than saying it would be best for him - I suspect that if he has managed in mainstream school for some years then he will probably be able to get back to a better relationship with school in due course.

  • Hello there, I'm nearly 20 now and I've just been diagnosed with ASD. I suffered terriably throughout secondary and primary school, but because I was so quiet and wasn't naughty the teachers just figured I was just less gifted. I'm at collage now getting straight A* because I've got the support I need. My Mum took me to the doctor and asked for a referral when I was 19 1/2. The doctor gives you a number to ring and they book you and your son in for an appointment to discuss issues concerning you. thats lead by a further two appointments, questionaires and within a month you get an answer. I think at the age of thirteen it would be advisable to get a diagnosis before he goes through his exams. I punched walls whilst I was going through my exams because I was suuffering so much and knowbody noticed, I would hate for your son to struugle in the same way as I. Hope you get the help you need.