Newbie here :)

Hi I'm a mum of 3 , 2 girls and also my nephew who is the reason I have joined this site he is 5.5 and been with us since he was 2.5,  he we are currently undiagnosed and I've spent the last 3 yrs fighting professionals for support and they have shrugged it off and put it all down to past history so here's our story so far an how far we have come 

so I noticed challenges for my little guy from word go it was a little difficult at first cause he was young and I couldnt unpick if it was age appropriate past history or something different, so obviously as a mum I've kept on top of these we had professionals tell us it was past history and basically that my boy was a naughty boy, looking back now I was punishing for things he never really understood

  • We have routine challenges, social challenges violence to others and him self, sensory and repetative behaviour rocking when he's bord running in circles he started about a year ago putting his finger so far up his nose he busts it, and he's started to pick at his skin and blemishes and scabs till he bleeds he just can't leave them, he bites his fingers when anxious and pulling his hair and ear lobes his recent thing is my older girl is losing her teeth and so he literally pulling his teeth out and the guns have healed and no big teeth are through he's gonna be teething all over again

  • We have routine challenges, social challenges violence to others and him self, sensory and repetative behaviour rocking when he's bord running in circles he started about a year ago putting his finger so far up his nose he busts it, and he's started to pick at his skin and blemishes and scabs till he bleeds he just can't leave them, he bites his fingers when anxious and pulling his hair and ear lobes his recent thing is my older girl is losing her teeth and so he literally pulling his teeth out and the guns have healed and no big teeth are through he's gonna be teething all over again

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