Mum to ASD boy 4 1/2 yrs old

Morning everyone,

I am a mum to a ASD boy who is 4 1/2. He was diagnosed at 3 due to his severely delayed communication and play skills. Since the diagnosis his communication had developed slowly: noun labelling; noun and adjective; some use of verbs (he recognises them more than he uses them). His ability to make requests is also progressing through the use of pecs cards and a request board. 

I am finding his behaviour very difficult at the moment as I think as his requests have become demands! This leads to him launching himself into massive tantrums if he doesn't get his own way immediately... These have come as a huge shock to the system as he was always a very easy-going placid child. I feel like my nerves are on edge all the time and that he could erupt at any second. 

Hace a lovely (peaceful - lol) Sunday everyone. I'd love to hear from other parents. 

  • Hi Vtmum. 

    I am a mum to a 3.5 year old, who is about to start assesments for ASD next week. 

    He will have 5 observations over 5 weeks followed by a 3di assesment. 

    My son too has delayed speech of around 12-18 months. 

    He likes his own way too, and will tantrum when he doesn't get it. But they are fairly mild compared to when he was younger.

    I hope things imorove with your son. Does he have any therapy at all ? 

  • Hi Vtmum. 

    I am a mum to a 3.5 year old, who is about to start assesments for ASD next week. 

    He will have 5 observations over 5 weeks followed by a 3di assesment. 

    My son too has delayed speech of around 12-18 months. 

    He likes his own way too, and will tantrum when he doesn't get it. But they are fairly mild compared to when he was younger.

    I hope things imorove with your son. Does he have any therapy at all ? 

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