Mum to ASD boy 4 1/2 yrs old

Morning everyone,

I am a mum to a ASD boy who is 4 1/2. He was diagnosed at 3 due to his severely delayed communication and play skills. Since the diagnosis his communication had developed slowly: noun labelling; noun and adjective; some use of verbs (he recognises them more than he uses them). His ability to make requests is also progressing through the use of pecs cards and a request board. 

I am finding his behaviour very difficult at the moment as I think as his requests have become demands! This leads to him launching himself into massive tantrums if he doesn't get his own way immediately... These have come as a huge shock to the system as he was always a very easy-going placid child. I feel like my nerves are on edge all the time and that he could erupt at any second. 

Hace a lovely (peaceful - lol) Sunday everyone. I'd love to hear from other parents. 

  • I can relate to this. Before my son's vocabulary started developing, he had very few words. I have had major meltdowns in public. He would head but concret floors. 

    Unknown to me, he didn't like his buggy, and would scream everytime he was in it, until he was out. I had this every school run. It was a nightmare. 

    We bought a second hand buggy, one with a bar across. As soon as he saw it, he checked it out, and got in it. 

    He has meltdowns when it is really cold, his hands are bright red even with gloves, so now I drive my boys to school, as it helps with this. 

    Im glad your son is progressing, and able to communicate 

  • Hi Angelwings, 

    Thanks for your reply. Hope you're not finding the assessments process too stressful. 

    My son has speech therapy once a month and is currently at a nursery with specialist provision for ASD kids. 

    In terms of his tantrums, we have just had our first public major meltdown: kicking, screaming, flopping to the floor, screaming louder... It went on and on and on. What set him off was not getting his own way - he wanted to stay looking at the church clock and I (after 15 minutes) tried to get him to actually enter the park (evil mummy!). I think I need some strategies in place before our next visit to that particular park!

  • Hi Vtmum. 

    I am a mum to a 3.5 year old, who is about to start assesments for ASD next week. 

    He will have 5 observations over 5 weeks followed by a 3di assesment. 

    My son too has delayed speech of around 12-18 months. 

    He likes his own way too, and will tantrum when he doesn't get it. But they are fairly mild compared to when he was younger.

    I hope things imorove with your son. Does he have any therapy at all ?