Hi to all

Hi everyone I am a new member to this site, I am a 28 year old farther to zak who is 2 and autistic, ptoud to be his dad and cherish every little quirk he has. Yes he can be a handful but he makes up for that with a smile and a laugh, would not have him any other way as its the quirks that distinguish him fot the amazing person he is and will become. Look forward to sharing and hearing everyone elses experiences.

  • Yeh coz people don't understand it and they look normal so they expect them to be normal. I have bought him a shirt saying "I'm not naughty I am autistic" as we go on holiday in 4 weeks so going to let him wear it on the plane someone I spoke to said they done it and it made people come up and talk to hem rather than judge so worth a try! Jack runs backwards and forwards and he jolda onto things and jumps constantly. 

    Yeh they are unique just wish people wouldn't stare and judge all the time when he's having a moment! 

  • Yeh coz people don't understand it and they look normal so they expect them to be normal. I have bought him a shirt saying "I'm not naughty I am autistic" as we go on holiday in 4 weeks so going to let him wear it on the plane someone I spoke to said they done it and it made people come up and talk to hem rather than judge so worth a try! Jack runs backwards and forwards and he jolda onto things and jumps constantly. 

    Yeh they are unique just wish people wouldn't stare and judge all the time when he's having a moment! 

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