Hi to all

Hi everyone I am a new member to this site, I am a 28 year old farther to zak who is 2 and autistic, ptoud to be his dad and cherish every little quirk he has. Yes he can be a handful but he makes up for that with a smile and a laugh, would not have him any other way as its the quirks that distinguish him fot the amazing person he is and will become. Look forward to sharing and hearing everyone elses experiences.

  • We went to Disneyland Paris in feb this year as jack is obsessed with mickey but when it come to seeing him there he wasn't interested one bit n looked very confused. He loved Disney and going on all rides n Eurostar is great as not much queuing N he settled fine in the bed as well so was a result. It did throw him a little bit when we got back bur he went straight to bed n had school next day n was fine. I feel that jack isnt ready for the stories yet as he has no idea about anything n doesn't respond to pictures or words. That's a good idea about rotating the tshirts. I'll let u know how it goes! It's the plane I'm dreading 4 Hours.... Last year was 2 hours n I dreaded that lol 

  • Yes that is a good idea, planning a family trip next year and already started putting things into place by putting the holiday into story for him, looked at shirts for him, me, auntie and grandparents about autism and rotate who wears them just so people can understand if he does have a moment. taking him to the airport a few times before now and then just to try help prepare him for what is coming. Did see online somebody that printed a slip saying about there child having autism and if have any questions gave there seat number and said come and ask then asked for them to be handed out on the plane. Was a shame because really wanted surprise him with a trip to see mickey but just be impossible as would throw routine and really unsettle him. youll have let us know how this goes hopefully can nick some of your ideas lol.

  • Yeh coz people don't understand it and they look normal so they expect them to be normal. I have bought him a shirt saying "I'm not naughty I am autistic" as we go on holiday in 4 weeks so going to let him wear it on the plane someone I spoke to said they done it and it made people come up and talk to hem rather than judge so worth a try! Jack runs backwards and forwards and he jolda onto things and jumps constantly. 

    Yeh they are unique just wish people wouldn't stare and judge all the time when he's having a moment! 

  • Yeh it's the looks and remarks that get to you I've learned to tell people that are looking and say if they have any questions about it then now is the time to ask, they tend apologise or put head down and walk away. Zak has a little scream at the mo for excitement that and running on the spot lol. Even when the hard days are over and put him to bed I still say wouldn't have him any other way. Relaxed

  • Jack arm flaps and rocks a lot in car and in buggy (when he is excited this happens) and always walks on tip toes. He hates brushing teeth as well and hair washing or cutting. Yeh jack is funny with food although not sure if it's feel or what as he is limited and it's all snack food. Won't eat nothing hot. He eats cheese, yogurts, crisps, dry cereal, chocolate, toast, crackers, biscuits, apples (sliced n peeled) that's all the fruit he will eat and no veg. He has been referred to a dietrician as he is extremely small for his age don't put much weight on and he gets belly aches quite often and sometimes sick and had funny poos! He has also started high pitched screeching which is literally so loud it can deafen you for a second he does this when he is excited as well and it can cause us to get remarks and people telling us to keep him quiet and all sorts!! They recon he is trying to express himself and until he speaks he might not stop. It can b so hard sometimes with our special children. 

  • Ouch luckily enough he doesn't pinch (at the moment) do find that Zak dribbles an awful lot when happy or excited about something. Habe real trouble with brushing teeth he hates the feeling of the brush on teeth, to the point he has to held so can brush them. Do you find Jack is particular with food, Zak seems to eat very bland or crunchy food, when it comes to getting veg on him he refuses the first 2 spoons then finally after eating 1 spoonful he will scoff the lot lol. As you say I would love to get inside his head to see what he makes of the world and try and understand how it is for him.

  • jack has just started making more eye contact now and recognises people that he sees often. Yup melt downs r the hardest n sometimes it's so hard to figure out what it is all about Or trying to explain why he can't do something and he don't understand. He has starting improving since he started pre school in September just gone that's when he is changing. We r constantly getting pinched all the time this is because of sensory issues as well as lack of communication, understanding and frustration. I wish I could get inside their hand sometimes! 

  • Hi louayre

    sounds pretty much the same as Zak he is 2 and half no vocalasation, does not make eye contact, lots of sensory issues, and he he also having speech therapy. He was at a play group but after a couple of attempts the senco worker said he not ready yet so now he has 1 on 1 with her till she thinks he is ready ro try again. Communication is very hard with him, been using pictures for past 6 months and seems the last 3/4 weeks he finally starting to get the hang of it. The meltdowns are the hardest thing to deal with, weekend before last he had 1 because of a toy he thought was his own 1 went home with my nephew took nearly 2 hours to calm him down in the end he cried himself to sleep. Thank you for sharing it's nice to know people are going through similar things and your child isn't the only one. its frustrating for us god knows how hard/frustrating it is for the little ones.

  • Hi, I am 26 and a mother to my boy who is 3 with autism. We also had a diagnosis at age of 2. I personally feel the earlier diagnosis the better it is for all involved. My son is non verbal still no hand gestures at all and no communication. He has a 1 to 1 teacher at his pre school and attents tracks which is a specialist nursery for autistic children once a week. He has speech therapy as well and is getting assessed by occupational therapist as he has a lot of sensory issues. We can still have laughs with him and is happy most of the time apart from the melt downs and stuff that kicks him off. 

    Just thought I would share my experience