New to this No idea what I'm doin

Hi everyone soo my son age 4 just been diagnoised with autism he is at mainstream school and doea get a lot of support 14 hours I belive with a one to one also has the teaching advisorery come in and help make suggestions on things the school can do to help him so we been to see peadatrician s and who have filled us with info etc and told us of this website and carers website etc and saying if we want help support we have to shout for it and we are not told what it is we wld do all up to us but I have no idea what it is I need my child needs I feel lost overwhelmed and although my son has autism I belive as a family we do manage is behaviour very well the things we struggle with is new clothes hair cuts loud places like being at thr thearter discos etc and he is behing socially but he is trying so much to socialise with the other children and all the teachers say how well he is doing apart from the odd hitting and lickin with the teachers she he doesn't want to do something so anyway I don't know where I go from here no idea at all any help guidance in right direction wld be Fab !

  • Hi and welcome I have a son who has just turns 3 he was diagnosed in November I know it is a very hard and emotional thing to accept and that some days are better then others reading your post reminds me of my son he hates his hair being cut but it was not until I posted on here for some advise someone said that the sound of the siscors could be one trigger but the other was the feeling of hair falling onto his skin could feel like little paper cuts on his body and I never thought that this could be why as my son is non verble he uses hand gestures so we have a form of communication also by what you said about being in loud places I u deist and that too shopping centres are a big no no for us again this took me some time to understand why it is a sensory issue he just can't cope with going in and out of different shops as it is a not a routine that we do but on the other hand if we go food shopping he loves it and helps me with it I have a photo book on my phone to help him understand where we are going for instance if it's food shopping I've taken a picture of the shopping trolley with food in so he knows that's what we are doing or if we are going to visit family I have all there pictures on my phone in a album so he knows that is who we are visiting this has been a massive help for us remember you are not alone this site has been a great support for me as a mum no question is a silly one as there are mums and dads on here in the same boat also people with autism and aspergers have given me an insight to other info too try to find out if there is a local help centre near you as they can help with advise and form filling what I found helped too was having a folder to keep all appointments in and any reports in too also a separate diary to keep on yourself as if your out and about and a appointment comes up you can write it straight down I hope this has helped in some way please feel free to ask anything x

  • Hi Twinkletoes 85, welcome to the site Smile.  It can take a while to get used to a diagnosis - there's a lot to learn.  I'd concentrate on how autism affects him as an individual, because everybody's different.  From what you say it sounds like he's got sensory issues such as various noises, maybe finding clothing scratchy/rough, also licking things - taste.  Do you think the 14 hrs he has in the school week is enough?  How much 1-1 is that each day or does it vary, depending what they're doing?  If I were you I'd have a good look around the site via the home pg + the posts.  There's loads of info but you can't learn it all at once.  Bite sized chunks is prob the best way.  I've found you can learn the theory by reading + talking to other parents, teachers, professionals etc but you also have to try your best to understand autism at an emotional level.  I don't think you can ever fully understand it if you're neuro-typical ( = not autistic), but I think it helps if you can imagine being in his position, even if not entirely.  So you're embarking on a journey with your little 1.  You are the most important person in his life.  I know you'll be a big help to him as you both learn together.  Gd luck with everything.  Come on here anytime you want + ask whatever you want. Smile