Hey All Newbie Here :)

Hiya all, 

Im new on here. I am a single mum to Kyle who is 5 and recently got diagnosed with Autism in Septermber. 

Just wondering if any one has any advice? 

Feeling a bit down as dont have any family that can help me. 

Thank you :) 

  • Can I ask how old you are ?

  • Your doctor then they will reffer you to other people to get support 

  • But who do I ask? Do I ask my doctor or do I ask the specialist or the health visitor? 

    I thought I was dping okay with it all but all of a sudden I can't cope :( 

  • You can just ask for outside support for your boy some support at home or for him to go somewhere for a while to give you some time to yourself. 

    You are not usless that is what the gps are there for to help people 

  • I dont know what to ask for and I feel useless if I have to go to my doctors to ask for help with my little boy :( 

  • We are here for you to talk and offer support if we can if it helps I had son who hado severe austium and I had to cope a lot on my own I found it helps to let your son know you are there for him always and try not to let your emotions show to him try and get help from your gp eg if you can here if u need to talk 

  • Hiya, 

    thank you for reply. Yea I kinda knew it was coming but was still a shock when they said it. 

    Kyle is 5 nearly 6, hes verbal he loves school and is doing so well at it. He has to have his routine every day and finding the half terms etc very hard. 

    Its hard as his dad doesnt believe me and just doesnt do anything to help him. 

    I just need a break sometimes as I work and do uni and look after Kyle all on my own. but hey we need to get on with it sometomes. 


  • Hi - welcome to the site Smile.  Adjusting to a diagnosis can be difficult - lots of posts on here about that so have a look around.  Could you tell us a bit more about your son + your situation such as whether he's verbal, how he's doing at school etc.  This helps posters to reply in a more tailored fashion to you.  You sound rather alone so have a look via the home pg to see if there are any organisations in your area that can help.  Now that you've joined us you won't feel so alone.  Lots of info, advice + understanding on here Smile.  Post whenever you want + ask whatever you want.