Hi everyone!

So my name is Charlie, Im from the UK near London and I am keen to speak with others who are in similar situations as me (because so called "normal" people dont have a clue about what its like day to day with Autism or Aspergers'!!) and because I can hopefully help others who are struggling in their lives or need support as well as getting help and advice from people on this forum, which might I add have struck me as highly intellegent individuals! I have thoroughly enjoyed browsing peoples comments on this site and reading about peoples experiences in life, its frustrating to hear certain people actually target people with AS which I read about today, but together we are stronger, thats how I have found that so called "normal" people operate, they speak always about whats bothering them or even making them happy.

So I thought I would sign up for an account on here and introduce myself because I have found this website extremely beneficial while browsing through it the past few days when I have been feeling frustrated in my own life and I believe that if people who has Autism and Aspergers' can speak to each other, help and relate to one and other on a site forum such as this one then that is an amazing thing. I myself know that a lot of so called "normal" people are inconsiderate of people with AS and I believe the best way to get them back is to form a community of AS people and say "were not alone!" because a lot of the time people with it are alone or dont have many friends and this leads to bullying and being singled out.

I thought I would just mention quickly incase anyone was wondering, I myself have Aspergers' and I have difficulty socialising and keeping up friendships, I will meet someone new and want them as a friend but lack the skills to go about having them as a friend and its really frustrating! I am fortunate enough that I am able to be on the end of the scale that others have mentioned which is the 'normal but a bit weird' end! everywhere I go I feel people look at me funny! I dont wear bright coloured clothing or go weeks without shaving or anything like that I just stand out possibly because I behave different to others without realising. I am mostly a very logical and serious person and I dont smile a lot, yet inside I feel like a fun and caring person, but I suppose because of the way I am I dont come across the way I really am!

Anyway before I bore you I will end what was ment to be just an introduction here!
But I am very glad to have found this website and as soon as I can get a job I will be donating to this website because it is gold!!!

  • Char, I was exactly the same! I denied having AS for years, pretending to others and myself that I was just shy. It was exhausting keeping up that act for so long. It also really damaged my self esteem I think, as I became unaware of who I was and "lost myself", so to speak. It really affected my ability to form romantic relationships too. I wanted a girlfriend all through school but whenever I was halfway in with a chance I would get flustered and embarassed with myself and end up pushing the girls away... Yeah, I always get told I'm nervous in interviews... which makes me even more nervous! What do the interviewers hope to achieve by commenting on our nerves? It doesn't really help anything.
    Definitely agree with you about the rumours. You would have thought people would grow out of it once they leave school, but no, people still do it as adults. It's pathetic really. I mean do people not have anything better to do than to make stuff up about other people?
    That sums up the main effects of ADHD pretty well. I have a lot of racing thoughts. It can be really annoying sometimes. It's weird having both ADHD and Aspergers as it seems like the two cancel each other out sometimes and I'll be more normal. It's strange. I am really happy that there are places where we can support each other and be united. I think it's good for the autistic community as a whole. 
    Outraged, that's a very interesting way to look at football and to me, it makes a lot of sense. The whole thing does just scream "Conform!" doesn't it? Especially the whole team rivalry thing and football firms etc. The message is clear - "if you don't like our team, you're the enemy and must be destroyed." Nothing wrong with a bit of rivalry of course, but the extent to which it goes is astounding!

  • Char, I was exactly the same! I denied having AS for years, pretending to others and myself that I was just shy. It was exhausting keeping up that act for so long. It also really damaged my self esteem I think, as I became unaware of who I was and "lost myself", so to speak. It really affected my ability to form romantic relationships too. I wanted a girlfriend all through school but whenever I was halfway in with a chance I would get flustered and embarassed with myself and end up pushing the girls away... Yeah, I always get told I'm nervous in interviews... which makes me even more nervous! What do the interviewers hope to achieve by commenting on our nerves? It doesn't really help anything.
    Definitely agree with you about the rumours. You would have thought people would grow out of it once they leave school, but no, people still do it as adults. It's pathetic really. I mean do people not have anything better to do than to make stuff up about other people?
    That sums up the main effects of ADHD pretty well. I have a lot of racing thoughts. It can be really annoying sometimes. It's weird having both ADHD and Aspergers as it seems like the two cancel each other out sometimes and I'll be more normal. It's strange. I am really happy that there are places where we can support each other and be united. I think it's good for the autistic community as a whole. 
    Outraged, that's a very interesting way to look at football and to me, it makes a lot of sense. The whole thing does just scream "Conform!" doesn't it? Especially the whole team rivalry thing and football firms etc. The message is clear - "if you don't like our team, you're the enemy and must be destroyed." Nothing wrong with a bit of rivalry of course, but the extent to which it goes is astounding!

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