my son has aspergers

Smilehello everyone

  • Thanks I know I have to but I flagged this up to the psychiatrist and they are just weighing him, he is consistently losing weight and I am so worried they havnt come up with any solutions or oping strategies to go with the emotons and control of eating , thanks for the support. How are things with you?

  • sorry to hear that the first thing u should do us go to the doctors with or without him and get him the help he needs what about drinking and vitamins so at least getting him so nutrients but get an emergency appoitment good luck and here if u need me

  • hi bad day today my son is sleeping alot and up at night. I am so worried as he is not eating and is losing weight rapidly. he claims he is not hungry and is not eating the food i prepare,but if i leave him to make his own food he wont bother, he is showing all the traits of anarexia and dont know where to turn

  • good luck hope all ok with u

  • thanks for explaining that I will look into it. Cahms have offered anxiety management groups but there is no way he could attend these

  • lift psychology is a nhs ran practice which do counselling and one to one sessions covering all areas depression ocd etc and they also run courses like stress managment anxiety etc

  • He hasnt had much therapy because of access issues, I dont know what lift therapyis. There is a club in our area for asd that meet every 2 weeks . he attended 1 but havent been since. that was a big breakthru tho so will keep trying. He agrees t everything but when the time comes to do it he either cant get out of bed or has real panic attacks. We have tried medication but he refused to take it saying he didnt feel there was a problem. Its a bit exasperating as he has total different perspective on situations than whats happening in reality. What is lift therapyy


  • will he try counselling like cogitive behavior therapy or lift psychology and what form does he have and will he talk to an outsider

  • hi, no he is not good at going out unless a really good incentive that he deems it worth it. He is 17 nearly 18 and finally got his diagnosis last year. thankyou

  • will he go to these places as home visits are no good and if ok i ask how old is he my son is with cahms and they can get in touch with other organistaions for u like they did with my son and ur r welcome i have autism and so is my son so i know it makes life tough i am here if u need me

  • yes thankyou he is being seen by Cahms for his depression mainly , he has panic attacks when someone at the door and wont answer the phone so home visits are difficult. they have offered outreach help but he woudnt et them in. Thankyou for getting back to me this site is great

  • u are welcome and have u taken him to the doctors or a peadtrician who is trained in autism or there is cahms which is child and adolescent mental health and i am here if u need a chat good luck keep me posted

  • hi rr84 its very difficult at the moment as hygiene is a massive problem as he has hypersensativity to water. Any advice would be most welcome. Thanks for asking

  • thankyou , yes I can see great site, we have had a rough 3 years but is now coming to terms with the outside world better. Being undiagnosed for so long has led to depression panick attacks and OCD traits but we are all getting to grips with this and that heps him feel more understood.

  • Hi Hibbit - welcome to the site Smile.  Lots of info and support here so come back whenever you want + ask whatever you want.  How's your son doing?