Pleased to meet you all and work advice sought!

Hi all

I’m Catherine, a recently diagnosed high functioning autistic in the UK.

Sought private diagnosis aged forty two after a sustained period of burnout having always been a bit “other”. I most definitely heavily mask as a senior public facing healthcare professional, trained to put others’ wellbeing at the forefront of my mind. 

I’ve just started a new job and wonder if anyone has any experience in how to navigate being autistic and unmasking? I’m an expert in “fitting in” but am desperate not to repeat previous patterns (which ultimately leads to stress, burnout and changing jobs). I have considered whether this career is suitable longer term but there are many aspects I love and a move isn’t an option immediately. As a highly logical female I’m often perceived as brash, a smartarse or insensitive and ideally would like to be more authentic opposed to hiding my intelligence and directness. Does anyone have experience with similar? I absolutely don’t wish to offend anyone but result in losing myself in a bid to please others!

Appreciate any comments or sharing of experiences particularly in relation to managing professional lives.


  • Hi Catherine. Hope you find this community as warm and supportive as I have. 

    Regarding masking, one of the most useful things I've had to take on board since my late in life (forties) diagnosis is that it is reflexive, rather than wilful. I heard an autistic expert on this (a guy called Kieran Rose) give a very needfully nuanced and precise defintion (one he said he still tinkers with all the time as he's still not sure he's captured its full complexity). If I can find the full defintion written out somehwere I'll put it in this thread for you. But I suppose what I'm saying is that you may not be able to wilfully stop masking as such - not in a 'switch it off' kind of way. But you can have greater awareness of when you're more intensely in that mode and of the after-care needed to properly rest and recover (as well as aknowledging to yourself that recovery from those moments may be a long burnout stage that is *vital* rest, and not laziness or unhealthy evasion of the societal 'should's that are easier for so many others) 

  • Still haven't found the quote but this is quite good I think...

  • Thank you for this and your earlier comment.

    I do tend to look, like other logical brains, at a very black and white picture so reframing masking and exhaustion in a more compassionate way feels as though this could be useful! Practice makes perfect (hopefully!).

    Appreciate you taking the time to provide some useful insights.

  • Thank you for this and your earlier comment.

    I do tend to look, like other logical brains, at a very black and white picture so reframing masking and exhaustion in a more compassionate way feels as though this could be useful! Practice makes perfect (hopefully!).

    Appreciate you taking the time to provide some useful insights.

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