Craving emotional connection.


I'm NT, husband is ASD

How do I explain to him my need for emotional connection is unmet?

  • What led me to separation as I was on the verge of having an affair. It's tough. I know, I've been there. When you realise that emotionally you're miles apart from each other and yet still love each other very much. 

    My advise, for what it's worth (2 years' separated and still living in anguish) is to keep working at it and access relationship therapy if you can. I didn't do the latter - sensory, anxiety issues on both parts etc - but I wish I had given it a try. Separating from the love of your life is very hard.

    I wish you all the best.


  • What led me to separation as I was on the verge of having an affair. It's tough. I know, I've been there. When you realise that emotionally you're miles apart from each other and yet still love each other very much. 

    My advise, for what it's worth (2 years' separated and still living in anguish) is to keep working at it and access relationship therapy if you can. I didn't do the latter - sensory, anxiety issues on both parts etc - but I wish I had given it a try. Separating from the love of your life is very hard.

    I wish you all the best.


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