Hello from Portugal!

Hi, I'm David, in my early 50s, living in Portugal for the last four years since we left the UK. I'm originally from the north east of England.

I'm flailing around a bit at the moment, trying to make sense of things and learn a lot about Autism quickly. Lots of things in my history that I haven't thought about for years are leaping back into my mind and suddenly making sense. On the plus side, it's not like I've changed into a different person, I just have a name for the difficulties I have and a lead on resources to help me figure things out. It also gives me a way to understand why I dread going out to see people, how I struggle in social situations and also how I manage to (mostly) get through them but am exhausted afterwards.

In between processing all of this, I'm renovating an old house while living in it, looking after five cats that adopted us and one dog who kept coming into our field until we figured he should come and join the family and take up his space on the sofa. We all live in a tiny village where we're the only people who speak English. Our Portuguese is coming along, we have lessons, but we're not fluent by any means.

Writing an introduction for yourself is a daunting thing - what should I say, how much is too much, should I add more 'fun' facts? On the one hand I could write an essay and on the other I want to delete it all and keep it to myself because why would anyone want to know any of this? 


  • Welcome / boas-vindas (according to Google Translate) Slight smile I grew up in Whickham, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear during my primary school years. A local phrase I remember is 'if patta woz watta you'da drooned!'. When I've bumped into people from the northeast since then I've often asked if they recognise it/know what it means but none of them seem to have heard of it surprisingly, have you (Google Translate does not recognise it  either Sweat smile)? I think it suggests the person it's aimed at talks a lot and/or a lot of 'hot Air' (embellishments, bullshit etc). Perhaps it was aimed at me a lot as I've have been prone to these things at times that's for sure Upside down I was officially diagnosed (via NHS) Autism Level 1 when i was 48 in November 2021.

  • Synchronistically, I bumped into an elderly woman here later on yesterday who was originally from Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Westerhope area specifically) and she confirmed+clarified that that phrase is talking about 'talking a lot' Slight smileThumbsup

  • Synchronistically, I bumped into an elderly woman here later on yesterday who was originally from Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Westerhope area specifically) and she confirmed+clarified that that phrase is talking about 'talking a lot' Slight smileThumbsup

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