Introduce myself, feeling sad

I'm in my 50s  have a adult daughter and pet cats.

I have health problems as well. I.find it extremely difficult to make friends and understand people. I.end up getting hurt and I retreat .At the moment I am very unhappy.  I used to have who I thought was a friend who had a go at me for trival thing. I said I for a bit. And because I wasn't messaging her for a few days , she accused me of snubbing her. 

Then she said vile things about my counselling I was having and accused me of being fickle and saying horrible things. I used to go to a craft group but can't now as she goes and turned another against me. This upset me. Stupidly I post it on Facebook and said how one sided the friendship was. It was true. Her moaning about her life etc. Anyway someone saw it ,had a go at me .I took it down and apologise.  

However someone's sent her my post and she put a letter through my door. Being horrible and saying I don't have autism,  I play on it, . I have been diagnosed.  She said I must of managed all this time , I was diagnosed in my 50s. I have struggled all my life. Then she said she is going to sue me for slander. . I am terrified.  Felt like ending it all. 

 Didn't put lies, why is that needing space so bad. 

  • I'm very sorry to read that you have been tormented in this way. Doubting someone's autism diagnosis is deeply hurtful, and putting horrible letters through doors is...possibly worth a discussion with someone more informed on whether this type of behaviour can be punished and prevented. But the most important thing is that you're looking after yourself, and knowing that you're part of a community here that will support you.

  • I'm very sorry to read that you have been tormented in this way. Doubting someone's autism diagnosis is deeply hurtful, and putting horrible letters through doors is...possibly worth a discussion with someone more informed on whether this type of behaviour can be punished and prevented. But the most important thing is that you're looking after yourself, and knowing that you're part of a community here that will support you.

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