

I'm new here , my name is Justin and I'm 49 , around 3 years ago I was diagnosed with Aspergers.  I had questioned wether I might be autistic after my wife got a diagnosis 2 yrs before me . I have always struggled with social interaction with others and prefer animals and nature., Since finding out I have developed OCD traits/ rituals and my anxiety is all time high , I have been on Fluoxetine for over 10yrs following bouts of depression but I have never been comfortable taking them and every now and then attempt to reduce them unsuccessfully.  These days I feel like an alien,  hollow shell , I understand  none and actually quite dislike people except for my wife and children,  and question if I'm from another planet as society is an enigma to me . Sorry for all this depressing stuff , does anyone else feel this way ? ?  When I was younger I was ignorant to the way I was and it's only being though ups and downs of life events that has triggered the way I am now and finally seeking a diagnosis,  I don't know if I done right or wrong labelling myself. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this , I just want to reach out . 
