Hi My name is Finley I am extremely socially awkward due to the following issues.
( 1 ) I am often in my own world.
( 2 ) I am terrible at starting convos and when I do I often stall ( meaning the words I really want to stay get stuck in my head like printing paper often gets jammed and I don't say the words and immediately give up trying to say them.
( 3 ) fearing that I don't look interesting or intrested in talking to - as sometimes I am in a room or space where everyone is talking to each other and not talking to me or coming over to talk to me.
( 4 ) intimated by the fact that there Is a lot of stuff that I feel like I should know about but don't because it doesn't meet my interests ( if you understand what I mean ) this makes me even more socially awkward because I can't contribute to something I know little or nothing about
( 5 ) afraid of making jokes incase of doing it wrong and fearing being laughed or mocked for it.
Has anyone else felt like this. if so how do you tackle this? thanks.