Weirdo seeks similarly weird people to chat to.

So I'm on the spectrum, it seems, and this might explain why I've struggled to make and keep friends all my life. In 55 and happily married but my NT wife, love her to bits, finds me hard going and it's good to talk to others who have similar brains. She calls me her "weirdo" sometimes and she's not wrong, I guess ND is a kind of weirdness and I don't mind the label. I guess I get intense at times, and I'm aloof at other times. I can be grumpy but mostly I'm very optimistic. 

I like books, art, films, writing and reading. I have no time for bigots or people who use the phrase "common sense '. I hope to get my novel finished this year. Lefty, parent of two teens, LGBT ally. Would love to chat if you're similarly weird. 

  • So is it OK to share social media profiles on here? I find the forum format here hard to keep up with and I'm happy to have more friends to talk to on Discord, Mastodon, Insta, X (ugh) or Threads. 

  • I don't have any social media profiles, I'd not even heard of two of the sites you mention, discord and mastodon, what are like? I've been put off of social media by all the bullying, adverts and privacy issues. I'm also told many are quite right wing and not female friendly, thats not something I want to get into.

    I probably don't have the tech or know how to use it either.

    I've got to be honest, that I feel a bit wary of someone who sounds quite nice, but then wants to talk off site.

  • Oh sorry, didn't mean to sound dodgy or anything, I just find the forum style of conversation hard to follow, particularly on a mobile, but I shall persevere!

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