Weirdo seeks similarly weird people to chat to.

So I'm on the spectrum, it seems, and this might explain why I've struggled to make and keep friends all my life. In 55 and happily married but my NT wife, love her to bits, finds me hard going and it's good to talk to others who have similar brains. She calls me her "weirdo" sometimes and she's not wrong, I guess ND is a kind of weirdness and I don't mind the label. I guess I get intense at times, and I'm aloof at other times. I can be grumpy but mostly I'm very optimistic. 

I like books, art, films, writing and reading. I have no time for bigots or people who use the phrase "common sense '. I hope to get my novel finished this year. Lefty, parent of two teens, LGBT ally. Would love to chat if you're similarly weird. 

  • Me: avoiding the party entirely - but a good time can be had by all here on the forum. welcome. I enjoyed your profile.

    I am visual artist, love to write stories (sci fi) and easel painting in oils and some digital output - may take that back up with the new "affinity software after finishing a few short stories I hope to get into Clarksworld or Asimov's scifi, or the like.

    Green party, deep ecology, Good to go 'round with most anyone as long as I get my 6 hours a day to myself (sleep don't count.).

    XX presenting, 70yr old. Gender queer, she, her (trying out "ey, 'em, 'eir but only in the mirror).

    I am in the middle of a project right now so not posting much with a 20 minute diet a day on the forum to make time for it. PM's I spend a bit more time at if you like

    Happily singular, with a focus on works and friendships.

  • Hi, thanks for reaching out. I also need time alone not asleep, and I've started being OK with asserting myself about that. I play guitar and do Tai Chi in the garden now and don't give a f*** any morGrine! I just wish I had been more like this decades ago. Grin

  • we are all learning as we go. that's the whole idea.

    Carpe Diem!


    Illegitimi non carborundum!!

  • oh captain, my captain!

  • I say Carpe Diem a lot. I love Dead Poets Society! 

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