Hi All & fellow Night Owls!

Hey y'all! o/

A bit out of practice talking to peeps like this... here goes!
I love gaming; keeps me sain, is my refuge, calms me & the thoughts whizzing around my head. Helps get me through my day, focus; one of my coping mechanisms.
I enjoy quite a range of games especially crafting survival & love lifelike graphics.
I find it easier to chat online. I can take my time & choose if & when I want to respond.

I also love to craft & design. I am currently working on a fine Fair Isle jumper which I am half way through.

I love music, a wide range, some of my fav kinds are rock. indie, psychedelic etc. Some fav bands are Soundgarden, Nebula, Pearl Jam, love Chris Cornell; his voice is haunting & beautiful. Also The Verve, Coldplay, 60's, 70's. Love the old stuff!

I have one cat & one doggo. They are amazing companions & I'm not sure what I'd do without them. Especially as I spend the majority of my time on my own. I go for days at a time without speaking to a soul. It is lonely, but I have been happier living alone for the past 8 yrs after an abusive relationship. It has helped me find myself & contentment. I am not counting out a new relationship as I crave the intimacy that one brings. But after being alone for so long & am coming to terms with being alone.

I came here because I want to learn more & to chat with peeps like myself. Find out how others cope. I feel I've been living in my cocoon too long. To find more purpose to my life. 

  • I'm just catching up on the war and watching a Ukrainian patriot missile battery operator talk aout the systems capabilty and limitations. 

    One thing that leapt out of the conversation was the sheer number of these systems (and reloads) that a country needs to protect it's critical infrastructure and even people.

    I've always been critical of this countries ability and expertise to manufacture effective weapons, and export them around the world, but there's a real apparent virtue to missle defence that I think I can get behind. 

    Certainly the first country to make a superior air defence system that uses the cheaper ammo, is going to "clean up" after this war is ended. BIG EXPORT MONEY to be made there, doing what we are best at.

    We are (for those who do not already know) offically no longer "at peace" with the Russian Federation, as far as THEY are concerned, which I find personally annoying.

    I also find the situation as dangerous as driving with a bald tyre, where for some insane reason I have no power whatsoever to get the situation rectified, outside of running away alone, because no-one else I know seems to see the current U.K. situation & course of action as in any way, wrong!

    Still there is an upside to nuclear war.

    If it breaks out, for just one infinitesimally short space of time, my DIY solar installation (whch is at last steadily contributing to a tiny reduction in our energy bill) will actually supply more power than my house is using...   

    One of the benefits of DIY "grid tie" is that every KW/h I wrest frrom the overcast skies I actually benefit fully from  and each KW/h therefore saves us 36p.

    Until I get it efficent enough to overcome our basic draw, when upon a smart meter would throw a wobbly, and inform the electric company of our non approved installation, but I am hoping that our hard won old style mechancial meter will run backwards during periods of peak sun, but it'll need us to have an indian summer if I am to get an answer to that question. 

    I've also worked at that the huge difference in price between a KW/h of natural gas and a KW/H of electricty would allow a truly brave operator to disconnect from the mains electricty supply altogther and use a combination of LPG generator, large battery and a huge invertor to complelety power ones home AND recoup all costs in a very short period of tiime.PARTICULARLY if one used a "Bladon Jets" small self contained gas turbine generator which has a remarkably long service life compared to a petrol engine's which is about 2000 hours. The battery and inverter combo is there to ensure that the generator only consumes those 2000 hours when it's full output is required. and that electricity to the home is uninterrupted.  

  • I'm just catching up on the war and watching a Ukrainian patriot missile battery operator talk aout the systems capabilty and limitations. 

    One thing that leapt out of the conversation was the sheer number of these systems (and reloads) that a country needs to protect it's critical infrastructure and even people.

    I've always been critical of this countries ability and expertise to manufacture effective weapons, and export them around the world, but there's a real apparent virtue to missle defence that I think I can get behind. 

    Certainly the first country to make a superior air defence system that uses the cheaper ammo, is going to "clean up" after this war is ended. BIG EXPORT MONEY to be made there, doing what we are best at.

    We are (for those who do not already know) offically no longer "at peace" with the Russian Federation, as far as THEY are concerned, which I find personally annoying.

    I also find the situation as dangerous as driving with a bald tyre, where for some insane reason I have no power whatsoever to get the situation rectified, outside of running away alone, because no-one else I know seems to see the current U.K. situation & course of action as in any way, wrong!

    Still there is an upside to nuclear war.

    If it breaks out, for just one infinitesimally short space of time, my DIY solar installation (whch is at last steadily contributing to a tiny reduction in our energy bill) will actually supply more power than my house is using...   

    One of the benefits of DIY "grid tie" is that every KW/h I wrest frrom the overcast skies I actually benefit fully from  and each KW/h therefore saves us 36p.

    Until I get it efficent enough to overcome our basic draw, when upon a smart meter would throw a wobbly, and inform the electric company of our non approved installation, but I am hoping that our hard won old style mechancial meter will run backwards during periods of peak sun, but it'll need us to have an indian summer if I am to get an answer to that question. 

    I've also worked at that the huge difference in price between a KW/h of natural gas and a KW/H of electricty would allow a truly brave operator to disconnect from the mains electricty supply altogther and use a combination of LPG generator, large battery and a huge invertor to complelety power ones home AND recoup all costs in a very short period of tiime.PARTICULARLY if one used a "Bladon Jets" small self contained gas turbine generator which has a remarkably long service life compared to a petrol engine's which is about 2000 hours. The battery and inverter combo is there to ensure that the generator only consumes those 2000 hours when it's full output is required. and that electricity to the home is uninterrupted.  

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