Hi All & fellow Night Owls!

Hey y'all! o/

A bit out of practice talking to peeps like this... here goes!
I love gaming; keeps me sain, is my refuge, calms me & the thoughts whizzing around my head. Helps get me through my day, focus; one of my coping mechanisms.
I enjoy quite a range of games especially crafting survival & love lifelike graphics.
I find it easier to chat online. I can take my time & choose if & when I want to respond.

I also love to craft & design. I am currently working on a fine Fair Isle jumper which I am half way through.

I love music, a wide range, some of my fav kinds are rock. indie, psychedelic etc. Some fav bands are Soundgarden, Nebula, Pearl Jam, love Chris Cornell; his voice is haunting & beautiful. Also The Verve, Coldplay, 60's, 70's. Love the old stuff!

I have one cat & one doggo. They are amazing companions & I'm not sure what I'd do without them. Especially as I spend the majority of my time on my own. I go for days at a time without speaking to a soul. It is lonely, but I have been happier living alone for the past 8 yrs after an abusive relationship. It has helped me find myself & contentment. I am not counting out a new relationship as I crave the intimacy that one brings. But after being alone for so long & am coming to terms with being alone.

I came here because I want to learn more & to chat with peeps like myself. Find out how others cope. I feel I've been living in my cocoon too long. To find more purpose to my life. 

  • Can’t switch off tonight Disappointed

  • Are you actually trying to go to sleep? 

    I tend not to bother, but go to bed when I'm tired enough. The I put on an audio book. My head never wants to switch off but the sound of someone talking seems to make me relax, focus on the voice & fall asleep.
    .... Or it could be just boredom as I am still on the first chapter lol! Stuck out tongueI have to keep rewinding every night as I fall asleep & never hear the actual story. It's like a light switch for me now. It's a technique I've been using for a while now.

  • I gave it 10 minutes before going “nope, I ain’t falling asleep” lol. I’ve not had the best of days tbf so it’s probably because I have some things playing on my mind. I’m sure I’ll zonk out at some point… well hopefully! Also I got a rather heavy cat of mine sleeping on my chest and snoring, and that’s certainly not helping lol, but she’s too cute to move.

    The audio books are a good idea, it does have that effect. I’ve tried relaxation audio apps before and I just end up laughing, I can’t take them seriously .. but if it’s a podcast about anything other than relaxation I end up falling asleep after half hour lol. 

    I’m curious to know what your morse code username spells out? I never paid attention in scouts when they taught it lol.

  • I gave it 10 minutes before going “nope, I ain’t falling asleep” lol. I’ve not had the best of days tbf so it’s probably because I have some things playing on my mind. I’m sure I’ll zonk out at some point… well hopefully! Also I got a rather heavy cat of mine sleeping on my chest and snoring, and that’s certainly not helping lol, but she’s too cute to move.

    The audio books are a good idea, it does have that effect. I’ve tried relaxation audio apps before and I just end up laughing, I can’t take them seriously .. but if it’s a podcast about anything other than relaxation I end up falling asleep after half hour lol. 

    I’m curious to know what your morse code username spells out? I never paid attention in scouts when they taught it lol.

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