Hi All & fellow Night Owls!

Hey y'all! o/

A bit out of practice talking to peeps like this... here goes!
I love gaming; keeps me sain, is my refuge, calms me & the thoughts whizzing around my head. Helps get me through my day, focus; one of my coping mechanisms.
I enjoy quite a range of games especially crafting survival & love lifelike graphics.
I find it easier to chat online. I can take my time & choose if & when I want to respond.

I also love to craft & design. I am currently working on a fine Fair Isle jumper which I am half way through.

I love music, a wide range, some of my fav kinds are rock. indie, psychedelic etc. Some fav bands are Soundgarden, Nebula, Pearl Jam, love Chris Cornell; his voice is haunting & beautiful. Also The Verve, Coldplay, 60's, 70's. Love the old stuff!

I have one cat & one doggo. They are amazing companions & I'm not sure what I'd do without them. Especially as I spend the majority of my time on my own. I go for days at a time without speaking to a soul. It is lonely, but I have been happier living alone for the past 8 yrs after an abusive relationship. It has helped me find myself & contentment. I am not counting out a new relationship as I crave the intimacy that one brings. But after being alone for so long & am coming to terms with being alone.

I came here because I want to learn more & to chat with peeps like myself. Find out how others cope. I feel I've been living in my cocoon too long. To find more purpose to my life. 

  • I didn't realise people stayed online at night to. Know where I'll be tonight lol! For whatever reason I struggle with sleeping, I either can't get off to sleep or I keep waking up through the night... really irritating and then I still get up at the ungodly hour of 5AM! 

    And got school to endure later on.
    I like night time though. The world is so peaceful and quiet, hardly any sounds other than night life. Where i live I hear sheep at night and there's a local owl hooting somewhere. 
    Sleep causes me a lot of anxiety not sure why but the idea of falling and being asleep frightens the life out of me. 
    I think because sleeping is almost like being dead in a way, not really being aware of anything, no feeling persey, just like switching on a light....awake and asleep, on off. 
    I've tried explaining it to my therapist but she doesn't really get it maybe I don't explain it properly. Could just be an autism thing. I don't require much sleep luckily but a decent night's sleep would be nice. 
  • I've tried explaining it to my therapist but she doesn't really get it

    It may be worth considering hypnosis to see if this can get you to explain it to your therapist as we often find our subconcious brains will stop us talking about something that we may be terrified of (eg do you fear that you may never wake up, fear you will be vulnerable to attack when asleep etc).

    You could also try working in keeping a dream journal by writing down what you can recall of your dreams as soon as you wake (they fade in seconds sometimes so best to catch them as soon as your eyes open). This will help dispel the myth that the lights are off when sleeping - they are just on in a different place.

    I tend to think of it as a way for the brain to process all the stuff from my day - clear down the cache of thoughts and think through some challenges subconciously so I can revisit the challenge from a fresh perspective the next day.

    Developing ways to calm your mind before sleep is a great way to switch it off - there are ways to focus on your body and work from the toes upwards, forcing the muscles to relax while thinking of yourself in a comfortable, pleasant location. By the time you have done this a few times you will probably be able to fall asleep by the time you pass the stomach muscles and with practice can switch off in seconds (an ability that used to annoy my wife who never could do it).

  • I've tried explaining it to my therapist but she doesn't really get it

    It may be worth considering hypnosis to see if this can get you to explain it to your therapist as we often find our subconcious brains will stop us talking about something that we may be terrified of (eg do you fear that you may never wake up, fear you will be vulnerable to attack when asleep etc).

    You could also try working in keeping a dream journal by writing down what you can recall of your dreams as soon as you wake (they fade in seconds sometimes so best to catch them as soon as your eyes open). This will help dispel the myth that the lights are off when sleeping - they are just on in a different place.

    I tend to think of it as a way for the brain to process all the stuff from my day - clear down the cache of thoughts and think through some challenges subconciously so I can revisit the challenge from a fresh perspective the next day.

    Developing ways to calm your mind before sleep is a great way to switch it off - there are ways to focus on your body and work from the toes upwards, forcing the muscles to relax while thinking of yourself in a comfortable, pleasant location. By the time you have done this a few times you will probably be able to fall asleep by the time you pass the stomach muscles and with practice can switch off in seconds (an ability that used to annoy my wife who never could do it).

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