
I've been on this site for a near a week now and was wondering if i should post or not... i finally gave in! The idea of having the possibility to interact with like minded folk drew me in.

I'm an autistic adult who got her diagnosis in her late teens, it hasn't been easy before or after that point. I dont really resonate with my diagnosis the way i see most do which is slightly disappointing but i know i dont exactly fit in the way others want me to. 

i feel safest at home in my room playing video games, watching anime and listening to/playing music (mostly rock or metal) if i had it my way id stay like this, out of sight of society where i can be happy. I speak a lot better online than in person where i go mute, so it's places like this i get to talk to people and i like seeing other peoples views on things it's interesting. 

i hope for the best,
it's nice meeting you all.
