Gramma of a amazing autistic and ADHD 8 year old.

Hello everyone I am looking for advice I have been raising my grandson since he was born he carries my last name as well, his mother has been in and out of his life but now she is with someone that my grandson claims hit him and hit his mother. She claims is not true but my grandson says he is not nice. I worked really hard for my grandson to be were he is at today. Routine is everything with him she wants to take him for 2 weeks but I am worried! His mother said it didn't happen I know my grandson enough to know he is telling the truth he doesn't speak full sentences but was very clear to say and demonstrate that man hit him. Please any Advice will kindly appreciate it.

  • I'd love to help. But I'm having trouble following. Is the father of your grandson your son? Or is his mother. How old is he? Nuances can make a big difference in understanding. 

    Are you saying his father is violent and abusive? Or is this the Mother's boyfriend? Sorry if I'm having trouble following. 

    Is his mother also undiagnosed? If this is the case, it can really make a difference at helping her with a difficulty of being reliable. 

  • I'd love to help. But I'm having trouble following. Is the father of your grandson your son? Or is his mother. How old is he? Nuances can make a big difference in understanding. 

    Are you saying his father is violent and abusive? Or is this the Mother's boyfriend? Sorry if I'm having trouble following. 

    Is his mother also undiagnosed? If this is the case, it can really make a difference at helping her with a difficulty of being reliable. 
