Anxiety with work.

Hi I’m new here. I’m struggling with work. My anxiety is so bad but I am able to cope with it, but at work they want to teach me the tills (I work in a supermarket) and when I was shadowing someone else who does the tills some of the customers made small talk and I’m dreading this. I am terrible at making small talk with people! I’m also not very good at multitasking and I’m worried I won’t be able to serve customers whilst talking to them at the same time. It’s like my worst fears all in one coming to reality.

I’m surprised I got the job. I applied because I’ve been on benefits for most of my adult life and now I’m nearing 30 I felt maybe it’s time to try and become more independent. When I applied at the supermarket I wasn’t expecting to hear anything back… but I did and then got the interview and somehow I walked it. I’ve no idea how. I’m not smart or confident, and at times I stuttered during the interview. I feel like the manager took pity on me.

But doing the tills and small talking is definitely beyond me. I won’t walk either and I start training this week. Not sure what to do about it. I’ve only just got this job and I don’t want to throw it in because of this but at the same time I don’t really see a way past it either.

Has anyone got any tips or suggestions on how best to get through this?

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi, I worked in retail for years and hated every minute of it. I just developed and sorted of script. Fortunately these interactions tend to be very brief and require minimal variation. 

    So whether is "how are you" or "terrible weather" or something similar. 

    Multi tasking can also be learnt. It's like muscle memory, one you're comfortable with one thing other things become easier. It may never"feel " 100% natural but it can be done or faked.

    It takes effort and can be tiring. Allow yourself decompression time.

    Good luck and take care 

  • Hi Herge. Thank you so much for your helpful reply! Faking it to make it. Sounds like pretty much what I did during my time at school, saying very little, feigning interest to fit in and be accepted. Luckily I have been practicing small talk and I’m sure I’ll be able to pull this off… even if it’s only saying hi, or yes and nos if people ask stuff.

    I’m not really suited to working in a supermarket and I doubt I’ll enjoy it but a job’s a job…

    Eventually I would love to get in to a job I would like. Like working with children, that has always appealed to me in a big way but I have emtophobia and working with children would almost definitely get me sick at some point which so far has stopped me from even applying.

    But I’ll work on my strengths and hopefully gain some form of experience from working in a supermarket.

    Thanks so much for responding, I do appreciate it!!

    Rayann x

  • I worked in retail for years and muddled through. If you can find a job that matches your interests that would be the goal.

    I'm fortunate enough to have landed a job that suits my "skill set" that enables me avoid most of the general public.

    I think we've all masked up to fit in or get through. X

  • Whoop I'm glad you found a job that you're suited to. Really happy for you. That's my dream, I'll keep looking and hoping at some point the right job for me will materialise. 

    In the meantime I'll try and succeed at this current job in the supermarket and hope it all work's out. 

    It means experience for me and that can only really help. 

    Hopefully at some point I'll find something better suited.

    I think we've all masked up to fit in or get through. X

    So true. 

    I don't think I could get through a day without masking. I know it isn't exactly healthy either but it's become part of my routine now and I've not been able to cope without it. 

    Think most autistic people are like this though. 

    Rayann x

  • Whoop I'm glad you found a job that you're suited to. Really happy for you. That's my dream, I'll keep looking and hoping at some point the right job for me will materialise. 

    In the meantime I'll try and succeed at this current job in the supermarket and hope it all work's out. 

    It means experience for me and that can only really help. 

    Hopefully at some point I'll find something better suited.

    I think we've all masked up to fit in or get through. X

    So true. 

    I don't think I could get through a day without masking. I know it isn't exactly healthy either but it's become part of my routine now and I've not been able to cope without it. 

    Think most autistic people are like this though. 

    Rayann x

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