Struggling to live normal life with autism

Lately I’ve been feeling extremely down about my life,I don’t do much I just stay at home everyday and I wanted to make a change to better myself. I knew I probably wasn’t gonna manage it but I forced myself because it feels so sad not being able to do the things other people my age can do, I want to work I want to have friends but I can’t hold anything for long and I’m struggling to cope with entering adult hood with my autism. I feel so useless and like I can’t do anything so I back out of these job offers and opportunities because I end up having meltdowns and shutdown I’m really lost on what to do I can’t continue like this but I don’t know how to get the right support to help me live a normal life.

  • I often think these things myself and then as others have said here,  I realise there isn't a normal.

    Normal is probably more accurately the "accepted" or "most common" or "average". But even if you say 30 or 40 percent of the population is similar enough to be average or normal, I'd bet half of that 40 percent are autistic people masking or other NDs hiding it well, along with a handful of other people with "issues".

    Try and see life as a big soup of difference. Then try and look at your positives. 

    Try not to be too hard on yourself, As it's also been said on this thread, you are perfectly capable of doing any job you put your mind to. It might be insanely hard, it might be easy, but you could do it, likely better than "normal" people too, because autistic hyperfocus is something you can weaponise in those circumstances, along with many other traits that are useful.

    And don't rush, take your time, there's no rules about what you have to do by certain ages, do what suits you at the time and don't measure yourself against others, someone will always appear to be doing better but it's often an illusion. 

    We can spend a lot, too much in fact, time comparing ourselves and worrying what others think of us, chances are they probably don't think of us much if at all, so don't spend too much time trying to impress "them".

    It'll all come together,  you just have to have some faith in yourself. 

  • I often think these things myself and then as others have said here,  I realise there isn't a normal.

    Normal is probably more accurately the "accepted" or "most common" or "average". But even if you say 30 or 40 percent of the population is similar enough to be average or normal, I'd bet half of that 40 percent are autistic people masking or other NDs hiding it well, along with a handful of other people with "issues".

    Try and see life as a big soup of difference. Then try and look at your positives. 

    Try not to be too hard on yourself, As it's also been said on this thread, you are perfectly capable of doing any job you put your mind to. It might be insanely hard, it might be easy, but you could do it, likely better than "normal" people too, because autistic hyperfocus is something you can weaponise in those circumstances, along with many other traits that are useful.

    And don't rush, take your time, there's no rules about what you have to do by certain ages, do what suits you at the time and don't measure yourself against others, someone will always appear to be doing better but it's often an illusion. 

    We can spend a lot, too much in fact, time comparing ourselves and worrying what others think of us, chances are they probably don't think of us much if at all, so don't spend too much time trying to impress "them".

    It'll all come together,  you just have to have some faith in yourself. 

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