
Looking for like-minded people.

My interests are history and grand strategy gaming. I also like to collect coins! :DDD

But here in my country there is pretty much almost no one who falls into this category. I hope that going to college and studying history will find me some but if they couldn't care less then my country is doomed.

I'm 19 years old and Internet is where I would be better off...

  • What periods of history are you intereste in? I'm into ancient and medieval history myself, but almost no one else is.

  • Those sound cool, though I'm more of a 19th century to 21st century fan. Anyways, do you collect coins?

  • I don't collect coins, I have an invisable hole in my pocket they fall out of, lol. 19th to 21stC history makes my eyes glaze over, most of it feels more like old news than history.

  • Interesting. For me, the 19th century was a period of revolutionary social and economic change. As the industrial revolution swept Europe, economies that were industrialized were booming. It made West more powerful with cool 19th century tech and so, they were able to easily defeat Russia in the 1850s Crimean War which ultimately exposed the weakness of Russia and the Ottomans who were backwards. Russia was overly quantitative with the army and the only thing they can do is just ram another one of those Russo-Turkish Wars which they have done so in 1877 to 1878.

    Meanwhile the 1848-49 were met with revolutions by nationalists and liberals demanding greater rights. Britain was very cunning and lucky as the British aristocrats were aware of the French Revolution and had to cater to some demands of the people, especially when the Chartists were a trend at the time. 20th century, Austrian man gets shot by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo and the rest is known to many. WW1 starts, communism arrives in Europe and Russia, angry Austrian painter rises in Germany, does the no-no thing of killing Jews, self-deletes himself in 1945, Japan gets nuked, America vs communism thingy Cold War from 1945 to 1991.

    21st century is the contemporary part of it. Nearly a quarter century (25 years) have passed. 2000s, were when I was born (born in 2005). 9/11 and America invades Arab nations over time (first Afghanistan in 2001 then Iraq in 2003 then Libya in 2011) while Russia becomes increasingly hostile to other Slavs like Serbia and goes on Ukraine with a proxy war in 2014 then a full-scale invasion in 2022 with them attempting to Blitzkrieg but failing to get Kyiv and resorting to the 21st century Verdun by 2023 and present. AI technology improves and we see regulations against AI done by none other than the EU in a first summit in history in 2023.

  • Interesting. For me, the 19th century was a period of revolutionary social and economic change. As the industrial revolution swept Europe, economies that were industrialized were booming. It made West more powerful with cool 19th century tech and so, they were able to easily defeat Russia in the 1850s Crimean War which ultimately exposed the weakness of Russia and the Ottomans who were backwards. Russia was overly quantitative with the army and the only thing they can do is just ram another one of those Russo-Turkish Wars which they have done so in 1877 to 1878.

    Meanwhile the 1848-49 were met with revolutions by nationalists and liberals demanding greater rights. Britain was very cunning and lucky as the British aristocrats were aware of the French Revolution and had to cater to some demands of the people, especially when the Chartists were a trend at the time. 20th century, Austrian man gets shot by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo and the rest is known to many. WW1 starts, communism arrives in Europe and Russia, angry Austrian painter rises in Germany, does the no-no thing of killing Jews, self-deletes himself in 1945, Japan gets nuked, America vs communism thingy Cold War from 1945 to 1991.

    21st century is the contemporary part of it. Nearly a quarter century (25 years) have passed. 2000s, were when I was born (born in 2005). 9/11 and America invades Arab nations over time (first Afghanistan in 2001 then Iraq in 2003 then Libya in 2011) while Russia becomes increasingly hostile to other Slavs like Serbia and goes on Ukraine with a proxy war in 2014 then a full-scale invasion in 2022 with them attempting to Blitzkrieg but failing to get Kyiv and resorting to the 21st century Verdun by 2023 and present. AI technology improves and we see regulations against AI done by none other than the EU in a first summit in history in 2023.

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