
Hi I'm Holly Jane and I have autism. I was diagnosed in my mid-teens and ever since it feels like I've been trying to make sense of it all. I do feel like maybe I should have processed all this by now as it's been several years but it seems to be a long journey. I'm sure I'll get there, eventually. I was part of a local autistic group but it's closed down now so I'm hoping I'll find friendship and understanding here as I did with the group.

  • Hi Holly and welcome. Don't worry, you will gradually learn more about autism and about yourself. Hope you enjoy chatting with us.

  • I do feel like maybe I should have processed all this by now as it's been several years but it seems to be a long journey.

    Welcome to the community Holly.

    Don't worry about processing it all in a matter of a few years - it can take a lifetime to deal with some stuff as it keeps evolving as we do. The key is trying to enjoy the good bits.

    I found the best option is to prioritise the stuff that is getting in the way or that you really want to do and focus on that - the rest will get dealt with when the time comes.

  • Hi there


    I have a strong passion for arts and crafts, photography, reading, word puzzle books, colouring, and listening to music on the BBC Sounds app. These activities bring me joy and fulfilment, and I'm always eager to share my interests with others.

  • Nice. I like 1D and other boybands too. 

  • Hi thanks. I like a bit of everything, depends on how I'm feeling. Lately I've been enjoying listening to 1D.

  • Welcome to this place! I hope you find what you're looking for. 

    What music do you listen to?