My autistic partner wants my adult sons to leave home..not sure how to handle a discussion without him losing his temper.

  1. Hi everyone. I have joined the site as I am struggling with my autistic partner of 2.5 years. He has recently been increasingly obssessed with getting me to have my sons to leave home. He gets angry saying we should be alone and if things don't change he will leave. He moved in with us a couple of years ago and has time has gone on seems to be increasingly controlling and bad tempered. Is this typical behaviour or is it something else? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
  • I'd let him leave to be honest, do you really need someone like this in your life?

    What's in this situation for you?

    Is he worth a rift with your sons?

    Honestly it sounds like any other coersive controllong behaviour, would you even be on a site asking if this is normal if your partner wern't autistic?

    Is this the start of a slippery slope?

    Have you talked to your sons about him and how he's acting?

    Are you always defending him to others?

  • I'd let him leave to be honest, do you really need someone like this in your life?

    What's in this situation for you?

    Is he worth a rift with your sons?

    Honestly it sounds like any other coersive controllong behaviour, would you even be on a site asking if this is normal if your partner wern't autistic?

    Is this the start of a slippery slope?

    Have you talked to your sons about him and how he's acting?

    Are you always defending him to others?

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