Who to tell...

I have recently been diagnosed and am unsure whether to tell my step daughter (She is 9 years old)

She comes to stay with us every other weekend and during half terms, and honestly I struggle at times when she does stay as I am not good at sharing my space and like things to be done in a certain way.

I am unsure whether to tell her so that maybe she will have a little more understanding of why I can be grumpy when she is here at times or whether that is too much of an 'adult' conversation to have...

Has anybody else ever been in a similar situation?

  • I'd explain it to her, maybe she already knows people who are autistic and would find accomodating you fairly easy, she might tell you you're being to autistic about something, kids can be very honest. As long as you listen as much or more than you talk to her and let her ask questions, then I think it can only be good for all of you.

  • I'd explain it to her, maybe she already knows people who are autistic and would find accomodating you fairly easy, she might tell you you're being to autistic about something, kids can be very honest. As long as you listen as much or more than you talk to her and let her ask questions, then I think it can only be good for all of you.

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