A grumpy thought about the tv programme “the undateables”

Quite a few years ago, long before I realised I was autistic (despite many others probably knowing it) the tv programme ‘the undateables’ , much like that infantilising puzzle piece logo, is one of the things that gave me such a negative stereotype in my head about autism that I refused to even entertain the idea in my head that I could have been on the spectrum myself.

My problem with it is that it was presented like a 21st century freak show. It’s made by neurotypical people saying that these people are “undateable” by their standards. It’s giving neurotypical people the opportunity to feel good about themselves by watching the “cute special people” and being all happy for them. 
Looking back it’s like it’s about us and not for us. 
What I realise these days is that neurotypical people are often “undateable” by the standards of neurodivergent people.

I wonder how many neurotypical people who watch the undateables think that the people featured on that programme might never want to date them in a million years? That NT people might be weirder to them than any autistic or disabled person. 

Very out of character for me to go in a social justice style rant! And I really hope this doesn’t offend anyone who might like this show. I just thought I’d put this thought out into the blue yonder!

  • Daft really when autistic traits would benefit a relationship,

    Having the autistic traits, like favouring justice and the truth over lies and deceit,  not needing small talk and hidden meanings, being extremely loyal, makes people MORE datable surely?!

    At least that's my opinion!

  • people cant handle the truth though.

    try make a truthful dating site profile... tell people all your negatives.... tell them your unfit and not really that good looking, tell them every little thing that would put them off... honesty they dont like, although i still am not sure what women truly like as they seem very fussy and picky and wont give anyone a chance unless they are 7 foot tall, jacked in muscle and have 10 billion in the bank and multiple private holiday homes and mansions. even then i dont think that impresses them much and they want more.

  • All the women who have those standards are probably 4 foot tall and 20 stone swamp goblins too!

    I'm glad I'm old in respect to dating , I'd hate to be back in that stage, it was definitely easier in the 90s as we met people face to face, all this online dating is weird to me. With all the fakeness about it,  Everyone sets up for disappointment somewhere down the line.

  • All the women who have those standards are probably 4 foot tall and 20 stone swamp goblins too!

    I'm glad I'm old in respect to dating , I'd hate to be back in that stage, it was definitely easier in the 90s as we met people face to face, all this online dating is weird to me. With all the fakeness about it,  Everyone sets up for disappointment somewhere down the line.

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