Hi, lurking in the background

Hi all.  I'm in my mid 50s, self diagnosed after 3 different people presumed I was anyway at the beginning of the year. Always felt out of step like I didn't fit in, introvert, odd one out. I think it grew more noticeable after Menopause set in. Kicker. Still learning and working it all out, depends on the day. Always had inability to look to the future, but also struggle to remember more than just snap shots of my past and never remember names etc. I am creative but finding it harder and harder to actually start anything. Lost one career after 30 years, still trying to work it all out. Would really love to disappear into the woods and live there. 

Photography is my thing, woods and trees, sea, not people. Hoping to learn and maybe just touch base. 

Parents Reply Children
  • I knwo what you mean. I was a good customer facing engineer and the best to send to an upset customer. I empathised with peoeple being hacked off at work, adn when our gear broke I fixed teh customer as much as I fixed the machinery. My company liked that, but still dicked me around until I left once they figured out I was not quite like the others... 

  • If I'm on my own time I like to be alone, walking or similar. I have one friend who I work with doing ceramics, but otherwise prefer to avoid people. For work though I'm dealing with the public all day talking to strangers, which is weirdly enjoyable as it's about something I'm passionate about. I guess it's like putting on a 'public' mask but then getting to talk only about what interests you,  so it's ok.