Hi, lurking in the background

Hi all.  I'm in my mid 50s, self diagnosed after 3 different people presumed I was anyway at the beginning of the year. Always felt out of step like I didn't fit in, introvert, odd one out. I think it grew more noticeable after Menopause set in. Kicker. Still learning and working it all out, depends on the day. Always had inability to look to the future, but also struggle to remember more than just snap shots of my past and never remember names etc. I am creative but finding it harder and harder to actually start anything. Lost one career after 30 years, still trying to work it all out. Would really love to disappear into the woods and live there. 

Photography is my thing, woods and trees, sea, not people. Hoping to learn and maybe just touch base. 

  • Hi and welcome to your tribe, I tried to keep all the plates spinning for years, in the end it led to a massive burnout after I finally realised why I’m different. I too get dark thoughts, I now spend more time doing what I want and don’t really engage with the world much, I do find it a great help talking to people here, I thought I was the only person who functions like I do. Until the age of 54 my understanding of autism was zero.

  • I seem to find a lot of people on here who were diagnosed in their fifties. I’m glad to hear Roy that you’re finding life more condusive to your happiness since your diagnosis :)  

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