hi..Mum to 16 year old recently diagnose ASD - GCSE refusal

Hi all, 

Very new here. My son was diagnosed ASD in January and at the time of his last set of year 11 mocks  in feb  he suffered a burn out. has not been back to school since. He has however done some revision with our support - has talked positively about taking his exams -( he was predicted top grades.) 

He managed 3 exams in two days . then the weekend. From around Sunday lunchtime he showed sign of rising anxiety and refusal to engage in any preparation , which in the past has helped him feel calmer facing an exam. 

He's barricading the door and pointing us out of the room when we try to engage. 

today he has missed his English Lit.  I'm posting here for some community support as this just feels so scary. 

  • it will be fine.

    gcse's are not needed in the world.

    i did no homework/revision at home... which is apparently more than half of the grade result. so i got very bad grades even though i thought the questions on the tests to be easy.... also the school hated me especially after my answers on the religious education test, i think the result giver may have been religious and likely my religious education answers deeply offended them so they gave me super low marks on everything.

    but gcse's have never been important in my life, no ones asked for them, they have never been needed. i have surpassed every single person from school despite the gcse results being bad.

    thing is the more important you make it out to be, the more stress you will create.... it is likely better to tell him it doesnt matter and its all pointless anyway, that way youd likely get rid of the stress and anxiety if you kill the importance of it. and it really isnt important...

    infact i was speaking to another person i knew from my high school.... he was interested in my rise of wealth and getting my life sorted and better than most in 1 year, so he got in contact with me.... he lives in america now... he has 10 acres of farmland... he has multiple stocks, and investments, lots of rental properties too, a big family, a nice rural life on his farm raising kids, even he said now when hes made it he realises everything he learned in school was a lie and pointless and was holding him back. your forced to do it though, so just go through it and not really care, when he leaves school just forget about everything school has taught because school teaches lies and wrong stuff and nothing useful in the world. that guy also read rob kiyosakis book which we talked about, your kid would likely be better educated reading robert kiyosakis rich dad poor dad book as a example of how life really works.

  • it will be fine.

    gcse's are not needed in the world.

    i did no homework/revision at home... which is apparently more than half of the grade result. so i got very bad grades even though i thought the questions on the tests to be easy.... also the school hated me especially after my answers on the religious education test, i think the result giver may have been religious and likely my religious education answers deeply offended them so they gave me super low marks on everything.

    but gcse's have never been important in my life, no ones asked for them, they have never been needed. i have surpassed every single person from school despite the gcse results being bad.

    thing is the more important you make it out to be, the more stress you will create.... it is likely better to tell him it doesnt matter and its all pointless anyway, that way youd likely get rid of the stress and anxiety if you kill the importance of it. and it really isnt important...

    infact i was speaking to another person i knew from my high school.... he was interested in my rise of wealth and getting my life sorted and better than most in 1 year, so he got in contact with me.... he lives in america now... he has 10 acres of farmland... he has multiple stocks, and investments, lots of rental properties too, a big family, a nice rural life on his farm raising kids, even he said now when hes made it he realises everything he learned in school was a lie and pointless and was holding him back. your forced to do it though, so just go through it and not really care, when he leaves school just forget about everything school has taught because school teaches lies and wrong stuff and nothing useful in the world. that guy also read rob kiyosakis book which we talked about, your kid would likely be better educated reading robert kiyosakis rich dad poor dad book as a example of how life really works.

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