How did you deal with waiting for results?

First off, 33, male, Ontario, Canada - decided to get assessed after wondering my whole life, and taking the RAADS-R (155) and the AQ (42/41), after playing DnD, getting caught up on small details, and very often misunderstanding peoples motives/actions and how I should act. I was diagnosed with ADHD in Gr. 3.

I had my assessment appointment two days ago (I have a possible 14 weeks to wait, but thats not so bad from what I've seen from other countries) , and I'm currently about to blast another email off to the lady who assessed me, with things that I forgot to say or wasn't really comfortable talking about. Did you all do that too? She said it was okay, but I still worry about being too much or coming off as trying "too hard" or something like that. I didn't really prepare a whole lot about it, I've been stressed out with job/future life matters lately so I didn't let myself get caught up in a web of research, I just tried to be myself and be honest.

In the early days after your assessment how did you deal with the thoughts of "Did I say enough?", "Did I say the right things?", "What if I acted too 'normal'?" - I really don't say a whole lot about myself generally, being bullied a lot during elementary and high school, I've become a fairly guarded person, and I my assessment was 40 minutes shorter than the "expected" time so I'm worried about that too.

Thanks, and have a good day!

  • Hi,

    Unfortunately I don't have any answers for this and I'm here scouring the forum for any advice! I'm in exactly the same position with almost identical thoughts and questions floating around my brain. 

    Sorry I don't have any sage advice, other than you're not alone in feeling like this and make sure you practice self-care during the wait. 

  • Hi,

    Unfortunately I don't have any answers for this and I'm here scouring the forum for any advice! I'm in exactly the same position with almost identical thoughts and questions floating around my brain. 

    Sorry I don't have any sage advice, other than you're not alone in feeling like this and make sure you practice self-care during the wait. 

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