
Hello I'm Enchanted and I'm new to the community. I've got autism and have been struggling with anxiety of late because my mum is unwell. She has hospital this morning and I'm worried about what her tests will reveal.

I'm keeping calm though by doing the things I love. I love to do writing, I've been writing a book and completed another draft this morning, already written 1,000 words, whoo hoo! I'm also partially watching Bones.

It's raining really heavy right now but as I'm feeling well this morning I'm hoping to go out in the garden this afternoon, just for half an hour, so I can watch the birds. I love watching wildlife.

Nice to meet you.

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  • Cool video, I liked and subscribed Slight smile 

    Yeah I might upload some of my writing at some point, if I produce anything worthy of being read lol. Generally I tend to write loads and loads and then I delete it because I don't like it. It has to really impress me to be saved. Most of what I write is discarded though.