

How's it going?

I'm Catherine and I'm new here. I'm autistic, I was diagnosed when I was a toddler still. I'm finding life as an adult on the spectrum challenging now. It's frustrating when there's little to no support for us out there.

I've also got gastritis which is making things extra harder.

I'm lucky to have Nina though - my cat - she brightens me up and is my friend. I can talk to her, rest with her and everything is all right.

She was basking in the sun this afternoon.

I love animals, if I wasn't so ill and didn't have my mental struggles I would love to work with animals.

  • 5 stars for that cat!

    I am allergic to cats, but I love them so. some times I'll take the hit and hang out with them anyway, rash be damned. I also love all animals - vegan (with some happy goat cheese).

    I got an allergy tst to see what exactly I was allergic to and changed my diet after that. So things have improved with my gut. I still have to be vigilant while eating out.

  • 5 stars for that cat!

    I am allergic to cats, but I love them so. some times I'll take the hit and hang out with them anyway, rash be damned. I also love all animals - vegan (with some happy goat cheese).

    I got an allergy tst to see what exactly I was allergic to and changed my diet after that. So things have improved with my gut. I still have to be vigilant while eating out.

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