? I may have autism

Hi I am just looking for a bit of advice.  A while ago my cousin was diagnosed with ADHD and she mentioned that she thought my father may have autism    This felt like a bit of an eye opener and made me question all the struggles I have had in life.  I am constantly second guessing myself,  feeling paranoid that people are mad at me or don't like me and very awkward in social situations.  I have been on antidepressants for a number of years but feel I may have something else going on.  I over analyse everything,  certain sounds maje me feel like I'm going to exploid! I hate new or random situations,  I struggle to drive anywhere I'm unfamiliar with and change of routine makes me so nervous.  Do you think it is worth speaking to my GP about this? I don't know if I'm just overthinking things? 

Thanks Blush 

  • Yes, it's well worth looking into. But do your own research before going to a GP! There are online autism tests, some of which are the same ones the GP might do if they believe you, but it helps if you do them first, especially as the ones they use are often quite problematic for us. There are threads here discussing them if you can search. As some GPs are better than others, it does help to have more than just a vague suspicion before going there as many would not take that any further.

  • Good morning AuTriker.

    You have been missed and I am happy to see you dipping back in here.

    I've been looking and analysing bots and AI use in this place recently, and I'm 99% sure that the OP in this instance is not a real person.

    A good tell (for future reference = when the OP has zero points despite having started a thread.

    I don't like to see our REAL community being driven to waste their time and effort (and kindness) on lies!

    Wishing you a good Thursday.


  • Morning Number, I am a bit of a dipper! Sometimes i don't come here for a while, other times i read but don't feel like commenting.

    Not sure this one was AI, unless it has learnt to throw in the occasional typo to disguise itself! Maybe they have? 

  • Truthful is good and it is not underwhelming to be OK when the alternative is to be not OK.

    Yes, very varied, thus unpredictable, which isn't any kind of problem for an autistic dislike of change and unpredictability... :/ ho hum! And sensory dislike of extreme temperatures! I seem to be feeling the cold worse in between the hot times. And sleeping position is hard enough with my arthritis. And I have to go and make it worse by wanting my cat to sleep on my bed, and she curls up right in the middle of where i sleep thus pushing me over to a foot wide strip on the side! Laughing But it's only for a few years... Or HRT... Thanks for the thought though! (Funny how those 2 words look written down, they sound so different but look so similar.)

    Nice to chat. Maybe we should be friends and chat sometimes by pm so we don't spam someone's thread? (Even if they are a bot, which if they are not, it would be nice if they said so!)

  • I'm OK thanks.  A little unsettled by the unfolding world (as always,) but keeping my 'sheep' together, as they say [don't they?]  My state of mind seems to vacillate more than most, but my generalised sense of where I currently find myself in the world....right now....is....OK.  [An underwhelming answer I know...but a truthful one.]

    I have been party to a number of conversations about the menopause with various women who have (or have had) first hand experience of it.  The thing that strikes me about it is how very varied and personalised the experience can prove to be.  I think it is one of those "life lotteries" in terms of how it impacts the individual.  I wish for you to find a comfortable body temperature, comfortable sleeping positions and a calm and sanguine heart.

    All my best to you.


  • One of my few IRL friends belittled the menopause just yesterday, it's a wonder his wife is still with him after surviving it without HRT! (and without murdering him...) He's not the most understanding of autism or mental health issues either, but he does try a bit.

    Haha to menotwerp Slight smile My Dad says he gets hot flushes after cooking and eating his dinner (he is 80).

    Cat enjoyed the gentle stroke.

    You didn't say how you are, so I won't push if that was deliberate, but do share if you just didn't notice I asked.

  • One of my few IRL friends belittled the menopause just yesterday, it's a wonder his wife is still with him after surviving it without HRT! (and without murdering him...) He's not the most understanding of autism or mental health issues either, but he does try a bit.

    Haha to menotwerp Slight smile My Dad says he gets hot flushes after cooking and eating his dinner (he is 80).

    Cat enjoyed the gentle stroke.

    You didn't say how you are, so I won't push if that was deliberate, but do share if you just didn't notice I asked.

  • Truthful is good and it is not underwhelming to be OK when the alternative is to be not OK.

    Yes, very varied, thus unpredictable, which isn't any kind of problem for an autistic dislike of change and unpredictability... :/ ho hum! And sensory dislike of extreme temperatures! I seem to be feeling the cold worse in between the hot times. And sleeping position is hard enough with my arthritis. And I have to go and make it worse by wanting my cat to sleep on my bed, and she curls up right in the middle of where i sleep thus pushing me over to a foot wide strip on the side! Laughing But it's only for a few years... Or HRT... Thanks for the thought though! (Funny how those 2 words look written down, they sound so different but look so similar.)

    Nice to chat. Maybe we should be friends and chat sometimes by pm so we don't spam someone's thread? (Even if they are a bot, which if they are not, it would be nice if they said so!)

  • I'm OK thanks.  A little unsettled by the unfolding world (as always,) but keeping my 'sheep' together, as they say [don't they?]  My state of mind seems to vacillate more than most, but my generalised sense of where I currently find myself in the world....right now....is....OK.  [An underwhelming answer I know...but a truthful one.]

    I have been party to a number of conversations about the menopause with various women who have (or have had) first hand experience of it.  The thing that strikes me about it is how very varied and personalised the experience can prove to be.  I think it is one of those "life lotteries" in terms of how it impacts the individual.  I wish for you to find a comfortable body temperature, comfortable sleeping positions and a calm and sanguine heart.

    All my best to you.
