? I may have autism

Hi I am just looking for a bit of advice.  A while ago my cousin was diagnosed with ADHD and she mentioned that she thought my father may have autism    This felt like a bit of an eye opener and made me question all the struggles I have had in life.  I am constantly second guessing myself,  feeling paranoid that people are mad at me or don't like me and very awkward in social situations.  I have been on antidepressants for a number of years but feel I may have something else going on.  I over analyse everything,  certain sounds maje me feel like I'm going to exploid! I hate new or random situations,  I struggle to drive anywhere I'm unfamiliar with and change of routine makes me so nervous.  Do you think it is worth speaking to my GP about this? I don't know if I'm just overthinking things? 

Thanks Blush 

  • Yes, it's well worth looking into. But do your own research before going to a GP! There are online autism tests, some of which are the same ones the GP might do if they believe you, but it helps if you do them first, especially as the ones they use are often quite problematic for us. There are threads here discussing them if you can search. As some GPs are better than others, it does help to have more than just a vague suspicion before going there as many would not take that any further.

  • Yes, it's well worth looking into. But do your own research before going to a GP! There are online autism tests, some of which are the same ones the GP might do if they believe you, but it helps if you do them first, especially as the ones they use are often quite problematic for us. There are threads here discussing them if you can search. As some GPs are better than others, it does help to have more than just a vague suspicion before going there as many would not take that any further.

  • Good morning AuTriker.

    You have been missed and I am happy to see you dipping back in here.

    I've been looking and analysing bots and AI use in this place recently, and I'm 99% sure that the OP in this instance is not a real person.

    A good tell (for future reference = when the OP has zero points despite having started a thread.

    I don't like to see our REAL community being driven to waste their time and effort (and kindness) on lies!

    Wishing you a good Thursday.
