
Hello I'm new here. I was diagnosed as autistic when I was a child, I don't remember much of it tbh; but I do remember how at times growing up was challenging like especially during my teens. That was a crazy time! One I would never want to live through again...
School was...forgettable lol...

Adulthood hasn't been without its problems but I'm nearly thirty now and in a good place in my life. I'm working as a personal assistant for a big firm; my boss knows I'm autistic and he doesn't mind that at all!

At home in my free time I like to write and listen to music; drive my car if the roads aren't too busy. I'm a huge detective fan and became obsessed with Inspector Morse and finally managed to buy a mk2 Jaguar during covid lockdown.
Hands down the best thing I've ever bought! Normally I'm not in to cars but with that one I make an exception.

I'm single and have no friends, kind of isolated from the rest of the world; except when I go out to work and get shopping.

Hoping that being here will fill that isolated wound in my life.

I do have a pet cat though, Boris, and he is great company! 

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