
Hello I'm AspieT. I was recently diagnosed with ASD and I'm still not really sure where to go from here like what to do next. It was very much "You're autistic....good luck!" I was hoping for some guidance but didn't get any so I feel sort of in it alone.

I get enjoyment from my hobbies. I like to be in nature, exploring all having fun.

I'm hoping being here will help me come to terms with my diagnosis.

  • After diagnosis, you kind of just get released into the wild and have to work things out yourself.....unless you have a therapist who works with these sorts of things to help you out. A post diagnosis autism councillor would be great......i dont think they exist but they should!

    Good luck, there are lots of people here to help out though.

  • Yeah released in to the wild is how it feels. I thought it would make me feel really good and like I belong but it's made me feel more lonely because I don't know who to turn to about it.

    Though it's positive I found this community. I'm really glad I did.

    I hope there will be professionals who understand autism in the end. It would be so useful if there was.

    Thanks. If you ever need anything I'm always here to talk to.

    How do you find being autistic?

  • Yeah released in to the wild is how it feels. I thought it would make me feel really good and like I belong but it's made me feel more lonely because I don't know who to turn to about it.

    Though it's positive I found this community. I'm really glad I did.

    I hope there will be professionals who understand autism in the end. It would be so useful if there was.

    Thanks. If you ever need anything I'm always here to talk to.

    How do you find being autistic?

  • Alexithymia......i was reading into that the other day......i definately have some of that in the mix as well lol.....have a read into inattentive adhd and dopamine reuptake inhibitors.....very interesting stuff. Its very close to autism symptoms

  • Very similar to my story.
    I was misdiagnosed as not autistic about 12 ish years ago after a 15 minute 'interview' with a psychiatrist (i kid you not) .... Now, that to the additional resources online, I have confirmed I am autistic, with c-ptsd from childhood, alexithymic and likely ADHD.
    I am kinda going through the MH mill at the moment dealing with my childhood traumas that I had suppressed for decades.

  • At first, i was relieved but i kind of was in denial.....I tried very hard to be 'normal' but keeping up the act was hard.....so i broke basically. They picked up autism and I was assessed and given a non diagnosis.....sent away and basically told i was nervous, sensitive and also mental....yay!!!. This was the NHS. This sent me to a very dark place....

    After about a month in bed, i thought.....I've been failed here, so I found someone who knew their stuff.....got a diagnosis.....also got diagnosed with ADHD. This was quite eye opening because alot of my autistic side then got quite blurred, so i was wondering if i had been misdiagnosed. Where the NHS correct? I was in denial then about being autistic but......after some time processing things and observing my own behavior. So, i made peace with the fact i wasn't a fraud. I have difficulties and these are explained with a combination of autism and adhd. I just hid them away.....even from myself....its not easy to accept for me.

    R.e school. I have PTSD from school. I can recall snippets of it. Especially secondary. I've just blanked it out. Trying to hide a learning difficulty in school is taxing, dealing with people ect......i just went into my shell and.....like others......just dissapeared in the system. It was easy to be unnoticed.

    Because most peoples perception of autism is savant type individuals, non verbal people and comorbid individuals with brain damage.....they see people who appear quite 'normal' and are dismissive. So.....i dont mention it. Not worth my time.