Looking for gaming friends for Xbox

Hello I’m the father of a 11 year old child with high functioning autism i am looking for other kids like him because the kids that he plays with now really don’t understand how to interact with him and constantly hurt his feelings and make him feel not included im just looking for help 

  • Hi Samuz  

    It might be helpful to mention the games he enjoys playing. I play along side my family most of the time which is a good way to keep them safe and occupied

    I joined a  Minecraft server that's for us neurodivergent folk. Would that be something he would be interested in.

    Does he have a particular friend at school who might play? I hope you find some Xbox friends for your son.


  • Hi Samuz  

    It might be helpful to mention the games he enjoys playing. I play along side my family most of the time which is a good way to keep them safe and occupied

    I joined a  Minecraft server that's for us neurodivergent folk. Would that be something he would be interested in.

    Does he have a particular friend at school who might play? I hope you find some Xbox friends for your son.


  • Thank you so much for the For the reply I will do what you recommend he’s just really hyper and loves to socialize and most people can’t handle how out going he is he bring a lot of positive energy so thank you agin