A quick hello


Never really quite sure what to say on these sorts of things, but here goes.

I'm a 43 year old autistic guy, although until maybe 10 years ago I wasn't diagnosed. I have masked heavily throughout my life but its becoming increasingly exhausting. I've been going through a really rough time recently with my mental health. I have suffered with depression for pretty much my whole life - PDD and MDD.

I have reached out for support and am on a waiting list for NHS Talking Therapies, something which I'm dreading. Talking about myself in person is something I find very difficult, to the point of literally not being able to speak. The person who did my assessment was kind enough to let me do the assessment off camera and by typing, which was a massive help. I've also had an appointment with a mental health practitioner at my GP surgery. For that, I had to type out everything beforehand and give it to him to read.

Anyway, both the talking therapies person and the MHP mentioned this place, so here I am.

The biggest challenge I'm facing at the moment is work. I really need to find a new job as my current one is killing me physically and mentally. I currently feel really burned out and shut down and when I'm not at work I pretty much sit quietly in the corner, which is really unfair on my partner. I really need something to change and and am exploring pretty much every suggestion I've been given so far.

Anyway, that's me. Thanks for reading!

  • Welcome Chris

    Im sorry you are struggling atm. I have had a little episode for the last week or so also. 
    I can’t offer much advice I’m afraid but know that I share your struggles and sympathise. I’m 49 years old, father of 2 boys (one is asd) and I’m looking to an assessment for myself. Discovering your neurodivergent does highlight everything and for me has made me feel more autistic if that makes sense. I hated it at first and had an awful time with it wherever I was I was alone and felt very down. It sounds to me like the work you do atm is the main reason for your struggles. I really hope you can do something about that in the future. I’m really lucky as I work for myself and I’m alone and even though it’s hard work I have a good chunk of time on my own and I think this is what keeps me going. I have been employed 20 ish years ago and really struggled as I was around a lot of people. 

    Sorry I cannot offer any advice but just know there are a lot of us on here that shares your experiences 

  • Welcome Chris

    Im sorry you are struggling atm. I have had a little episode for the last week or so also. 
    I can’t offer much advice I’m afraid but know that I share your struggles and sympathise. I’m 49 years old, father of 2 boys (one is asd) and I’m looking to an assessment for myself. Discovering your neurodivergent does highlight everything and for me has made me feel more autistic if that makes sense. I hated it at first and had an awful time with it wherever I was I was alone and felt very down. It sounds to me like the work you do atm is the main reason for your struggles. I really hope you can do something about that in the future. I’m really lucky as I work for myself and I’m alone and even though it’s hard work I have a good chunk of time on my own and I think this is what keeps me going. I have been employed 20 ish years ago and really struggled as I was around a lot of people. 

    Sorry I cannot offer any advice but just know there are a lot of us on here that shares your experiences 
