
I didn't expect to do one of these self-absorbed "I'm off!" posts when I joined here a few months ago, but as there's no block button on this forum it's worthwhile for my wellbeing. I'm a positive, upbeat sort of person and being on this forum with several ultra-conservative members isn't worth the hassle.

[removed by moderator]

The rest of you, all the best with your endeavours!

Remember, the path to personal happiness is in the minor things. I know it's difficult with ASD, but push yourself a little bit every day, embrace creativity, culture, and make a positive impact. No matter how small, it makes a difference.

  • Maybe wait and blow off some steam before deciding to leave permanently? If you act now and think later you might regret your decision.

    If not then take care hope everything is ok.

  • Maybe wait and blow off some steam before deciding to leave permanently? If you act now and think later you might regret your decision.

    If not then take care hope everything is ok.

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