

I'm ADHD and my youngest son is awaiting assessment for possible autism. He's probably got a bit of ADHD thrown in.

He's got a lot of issues around school that have been going back over a year. He's attendance plummeted and before that he was spending break and lunch in learning support.

We have moved school and dropped him down a year but the issues haven't gone away and his attendance is where it was before.

School were initially supportive but now they are hinting about asking for evidence to back up the attendance. 

I'm not with his Mum anymore and our views on all of this couldn't be further apart. She is I feel in denial about the possible autism and has called him a lazy slob.

I'm here to link up with other parents to see what has helped them as I feel like I am running out of ideas.

I feel like the system is failing him but at the same time it's still expecting things of us.

  • Hello and welcome to the forum. I hope you find what you're looking for being here Blush

  • It is good to torque and to keep it reel.

    A forum is a good place for that.

    I do sometimes feel like a paranoid android, as my Radio Head would have it.....fake plastic tress and all that.  Great track, its slow and a bit sad, but a banging tune.

  • Have I missed something or did you respond to me accidentally?

  • the real world whatever that is but on here feels much realer to me

    NOW you're talking my language !  I kinda expected we would find our junction box.

    Defining what the real world is, not just for me, but for every other sentient entity out there, is quite an important concept to me at the moment.  So much is under real or under hand or under done......well, that is how this android brain currently perceives things any.  I wonder if everyone seeing everything differently to me.....if I am so out of step with things, pegging myself to the wrong horses all the time....you know, just generally getting stuff mixed up in my own head.

    I find it all so very confusing.  Don't you?

  • I take it as a positive that you know how to unmask. Try to find those who understand and go from their.  I am slowly trying to unlearn the masking is was 'encouraged' to do as a kid.

    It is slow going, but hopefully i can make progress and maybe make some friends.

  • Thank you. Most appreciated. I've tried fitting in in the real world before but people weren't accepting like you lovely lot are here. Masking I was ok but when I'm myself I think it weirds people out, they definitely seem uncomfortable anyway. I've gone out in to the real world whatever that is but on here feels much realer to me and I feel at a place of comfort and home, with friends, people who understand. That's already made a huge difference in my life.

    A forum is a good place for me to learn and understand things better.....this helps to nourish my soul.

    Same for me. It's enlightened me being part of this community but also uplifted me in ways that I can't really put in to words.

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