
Hello, I'm Adele. I was diagnosed with autism in my mid teens, I've also since been diagnosed with anxiety.

I like music, reading and writing, and playing chess.

Feel kind of lonely. I don't get out much and have no friends, I've never been any good at talking to people. I stay in and listen to my favourite songs.

  • Hi Adele, I am new here and have been diagnosed with combined ADHD and autism in the last 3 months. I am 52 years old and still in shock! I love music, which is my saving grace at the moment and reading. I find that I am in constant fight or flight mode at the moment.

  • Hi Adele, I am new here and have been diagnosed with combined ADHD and autism in the last 3 months. I am 52 years old and still in shock! I love music, which is my saving grace at the moment and reading. I find that I am in constant fight or flight mode at the moment.

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