Hello, I’m new

I’ve come to the forum to find identification. I believe I am on the AS but haven’t had a formal diagnosis. I’m in my sixties and autism wasn’t talked about when I was growing up. I may not post much, but if I get identification, it might jolt me from my lethargy and make me go for diagnosis.

I’m pleased to meet you all 

  • Hello Snowcake,

    I was diagnosed three years ago at the age of 67, so you and I are from the same generation.  You're right when you say autism wasn't talked about when we were younger. I had many problems spanning the decades, and doctors didn't seem to consider autism at all, they just put it all down to anxiety and prescribed pills. Happily, times are changing.

    Receiving my diagnosis has been most enlightening, my knowledge and understanding of the condition has slowly expanded, and it has changed the way I think about myself. My lifelong differences and difficulties have gradually made sense as I see things in a new light, helped in part by the rather diverse collection of folk I've met on this forum; it appears that more and more of us are discovering our autistic selves... at last.

    Welcome to the forum, I hope you benefit from joining.


  • Hello Snowcake,

    I was diagnosed three years ago at the age of 67, so you and I are from the same generation.  You're right when you say autism wasn't talked about when we were younger. I had many problems spanning the decades, and doctors didn't seem to consider autism at all, they just put it all down to anxiety and prescribed pills. Happily, times are changing.

    Receiving my diagnosis has been most enlightening, my knowledge and understanding of the condition has slowly expanded, and it has changed the way I think about myself. My lifelong differences and difficulties have gradually made sense as I see things in a new light, helped in part by the rather diverse collection of folk I've met on this forum; it appears that more and more of us are discovering our autistic selves... at last.

    Welcome to the forum, I hope you benefit from joining.


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