Having a hard week

Hi everyone anyone Grin just thought I'd come on and see if anyone had any advice. My 14 year old son was eventually diagnosed with autism last summer. We have had such a struggle for years trying to attend school and it has put so much pressure on him. He was being sick and stuck on the toilet most mornings and if he did manage to school would hide anywhere he could be alone. Finally he had enough and hasn't been to school in about 2 years. I really suspect he has selective mutism as he cant speak in school and has struggles to say more than a quick yes or no to anyone we've had contact with. He can't even speak to me if there is someone in sight. So currently he doesn't leave the house except for a nice dog walk. We were recently referred to a very nice councillor who has came out to the house a few times and my son has done amazingly well to come downstairs and sit although it was soo hard to get him down he had a meltdown before the councillor came and it gets harder everytime, last week he told me to phone
the mental health department which we have been on a waiting  list for almost a year to help with stress and anxiety but when I did the clinician said he shouldn't go on it because of his autism, Instead I was to phone the school about autism outreach and work with the councillor. So I phoned the school who told me they don't think he will be able to engage with outreach as it's 45 mins on the bus to a group setting. And the only thing they can offer is home tuition next year. He is such a funny happy excellent person, he is generally really happy in the house but he is very lonely and has absolutely no self esteem left.  I just wish I could do something for him as he thinks he's dumb and will never get an education no matter how much I tell him he is super smart. It's just been one of those weeks where it seems a bit harder than usual. ANY ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated thank you

  • No advice as currently only just beginning to navigate the journey with my daughter but wanted to acknowledge your struggle today as I too have had a battle and tomorrow is another day x

  • No advice as currently only just beginning to navigate the journey with my daughter but wanted to acknowledge your struggle today as I too have had a battle and tomorrow is another day x

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